Big news on QUINN! We have an official release date … April 27, 2018. I expect to have the cover very soon, and a book trailer is in the works, too! I’m so excited to share his story with you!

On another note … I recorded a podcast interview a while back with Victoria Danann and Riley J. Ford over at Romance Between the Pages. It’s been a busy month or two since then, but I was thinking about it this week, and I realized I never heard from them about a date. So I went looking and this is what I found! ROMANCE THROUGH THE PAGES PODCAST WITH D. B. REYNOLDS! It’s always odd for me to listen to a recorded interview of myself. My voice sounds totally different inside my own head. Weird. Anyway, If you want to give a listen, it’s there. We talk about music and life and books. What else is there? 😉

There’s only TWO DAYS left to enter my Valentine’s 2018 contest.

I want this contest to be for my readers, so I’m going to ask a question only they would know. And since it’s Valentine’s Day and no one does romance like Raphael and Cyn, here’s your question (and it might be tougher than you think.)

QUESTION: What’s the very first time—not in dreams, but in waking life—that Raphael and Cyn kiss?
The entry rules—which must be followed exactly—are as follows:

1. Send an email to dbreynoldswriter@gmail.com with VALENTINE 2018 on the subject line.
2. Your return email address MUST BE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS.
3. Include your answer to the contest question in the body of the text, along with your first and last name.
4. All entries must be received by midnight, February 20, 2018.
5. One winner will be selected at random from among entries which provide THE CORRECT ANSWER and are received by the deadline.
6. Winner will be notified by return email, and will have five (5) days to respond, after which a new winner will be chosen.
7. One entry per person. All duplicate entries will be deleted.

Oh, and one more thing … what’s the contest prize? It’s a two-fer, or maybe a four-fer. The winner will receive any THREE (3) books by D. B. Reynolds, print or e-book, winner’s choice; PLUS a $25 Amazon gift certificate (so you can buy QUINN, of course! Though you don’t have to.) So, do your research and make sure you follow the rules for entry.

And finally, just a quick 2018 appearance note: I’ll be at RT’s Booklovers Convention in Reno in May 15-20, including their Giant Bookfair Signing event. I’ll also be at the RWA Convention in Denver in July 18-21, and that includes their big Literacy signing event. So, mark your calendars! I hope to see some of you at one place or the other. I have some travel plans for later in the year, as well, but nothing firm on that yet.

And now, I’m back to Harp and Shifter Planet 2 (working title.) See you next week!


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