Lucas Hi Res Final CorrectedIs this LUCAS or what? So sexy! He’s being re-released on all the platforms very soon, maybe even this week, with this beautiful new cover.

As much as I love Lucas, though, most of my time this week was spent with Vincent and BHW. Yes, she’s still BHW for everyone but me. For me, she has a name, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to stick, but I’m holding it close for a little while longer. I spent some time on the phone this week with my editor, too, and Belle has some great plans for both UNFORGIVEN and VINCENT. It’s going to be exciting!

I’ve also been doing some reading, mostly in the hour before I go to sleep after writing all night. So, I really need to update my 2014 Book Challenge. I’m making my way down my To-Do List and it’s definitely there, along with writing a book, which I have to say is absolutely at the very top of the list. 😀 Speaking of my To-Do List, however, I was working on some stuff and whacked myself in the mouth, so I now have a swollen lip with a dark bruise. My Darling Husband (oh so helpfully) suggested I grow a mustache to cover it up. This from the guy who can grow a mustache overnight just by thinking about it. Like I’d even want that. Or like he’d want it for me. He likes my pale, hairless skin. LOL

with-silent-screams-smallSpeaking of reading, however, my friend and critique partner, Steve McHugh released the latest book in his Hellequin Chronicles this past week. If you love urban fantasy with a touch of mythology and lots of action, you’ll definitely want to pick up this book . . . and the whole series, too.

I’ve got nothing to report on the small screen this week, because the Olympics wreaked havoc with the TV schedule. And no movies, either, because the DH (when he wasn’t making fun of my swollen lip) wasn’t too hot to see the LEGO movie. 😀

And that means it’s back to VINCENT for me, driving through the Mexican desert. Vincent that is, not me.

See you all next week, same time, same place.


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