Or you can view all my book trailers, including LACHLAN, HERE.

Okay, so this image is SHIFTER PLANET, not SHIFTER PLANET 2, but it’s way too early for a SP2 cover. Besides, I love this guy’s arms! But the news is about SP2 … my editor loved the story, and the revisions are modest, so … yay! This also probably means the book will be out sooner than originally planned. I’m hoping for a release BEFORE the October conference in Orlando, so I can have that book available for my readers who stop by the con.

JABRIL’s e-book is still on sale, but only for a few more days. Only $0.99 on all the usual e-book platforms.

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day with the people you love.

And with that…I’m off to the spa for a lovely massage. That’s right! I decided my brain needed a break, so I’ve taken a very short spa vacation. It’s gorgeous here! But I’ll be back to work tomorrow, revisions for Shifter Planet 2, and then it’s all about DRAGAN.


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