So, my favorite commercial was the Volkswagen one with the little Darth Vader. Loved it. I laughed so hard. I have a male relative (who shall graciously remain nameless) who used to sing the entire Darth Vader theme. Duh duh duh duh duh-duh duh duh-duh. The whole thing! LOL He never got a car to start, though.

I wrote the epilogue to Duncan today. Not because I’ve finished the rest of the story, but because I’ve been mulling over how to introduce Book Six (SIX!! OMG!!!) and it suddenly hit me. I wrote it out so I wouldn’t forget. And I like it!

Now, of course, I have to get back to writing everything that comes BEFORE the epilogue. I’m loving DUNCAN, though, so no problems there.

Next week, I’ll be posting the first teaser chapter for SOPHIA. I’m so excited about this book! I wish April was here already!!

And the first three books are doing extremely well in Kindle sales! RAPHAEL, especially, since he’s priced at only $2.99, but all three books continue to sell really well. RAPHAEL goes up and down, but he pretty much stays somewhere in the top 100 Kindle sales for Romance/Vampire. JABRIL and RAJMUND flit in and out of the top 100. For a brief time today, RAPHAEL actually bumped into the top 100 Kindle/Fiction/Horror. I never thought of RAPHAEL as horror, but I guess if it’s Vampire, it’s horror!!

Don’t forget that the latest contest, which is asking for Duncan’s last name, continues. I’ve gotten quite a few entries, but I’ve also gotten a couple of e-mails asking if it’s a trick question. And the answer is NOPE. Duncan definitely has a last name and it’s definitely somewhere in the first three books. I’ll accept entries until midnight February 19th, PST, and I’ll be announcing the winner on February 20th. Entries should be e-mailed to dbreynoldswriter@live.com and be sure to put Contest in the subject line, so my SPAM filter doesn’t toss it.

And my good friend and wonderful writer, Adrian Phoenix, is giving away signed galleys and cover flats of her forthcoming Etched in Bone, which is the fourth book of her Maker’s Song series. THAT is one book I’ve already pre-ordered for my Kindle. Midnight on February 22, that book is MINE!!

And finally, a reminder that I’ll be wandering around the RT Booklovers Convention in L.A. in April, and signing at the Book Expo. Plus JABRIL has been nominated for an RT Reviewer’s Choice award, which will be announced at the convention. It would be nice to see some familiar faces, or at least put faces to familiar names!

Hmmm, okay, it’s back to writing for me. Duncan awaits!!

See you next week with the first taste of SOPHIA!


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