First of all, yes, the SOPHIA teaser is up! <–that's the link, or you can just click the SOPHIA tab above.
We’d hoped to have the cover art for today, but the wonderful and talented Trish, who did all of my covers so far, is home sick in bed. So I’ll beg your patience a bit longer and send my hopes to Trish for a speedy recovery.
Also, I want to let you all know I’ll be chatting TODAY, FEBRUARY 14th, at DemonLovers Books and More between 5:00 and 6:00 pm PST, and they’ll be giving away a signed copy of RAJMUND during DemonLovers’ Blogoversary celebration. You can drop in and say hi or ask a question. If you can’t make it precisely during that hour, I will check back during the night (and you know my nights are late) to answer any questions I missed.
In other business, my first three books continue to sell very well in the Kindle store and RAPHAEL even got a couple of new reviews this week, one was 5 stars, too! (does happy dance, then sits down hoping no one noticed.)
Writing news … DUNCAN is proceeding very, very nicely. And we just discovered that beneath that calm exterior lies … Oh, wait. Don’t want to give everything away. 🙂
But speaking of the inestimable Duncan, there’s one week left to run on the contest to tell me his last name. Here’s the post with all the details, so get your entry in to me soon. I’ll announce the winner in my next Sunday night post.
I’ve updated my What I’m Reading Now list to add a couple of new authors I just finished reading. And I’m soooooo excited that the newest Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark will be out on Tuesday!! Woohooo! I’m all preordered on my Kindle, too.
Okay, I’ll leave you to read my SOPHIA chapter, while I go back and write some more DUNCAN.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! Hope you spend it with your own true love, and if not, I say go ahead and buy yourself some chocolate. The good kind, not that crap in the heart boxes. Sometimes, you just gotta go for it!
See you next week!