DECEPTION is comingI’ll be living and breathing DECEPTION for the next few weeks. That is, DECEPTION the novel, not, you know, like … deception. 😀 I do have a holiday short story that will be part of Nocturnal Book Reviews’ 7 Days of Christmas celebration. I don’t know the details, like dates and so on, yet, but as soon as I do, I’ll share them.
Vincent Final dot fix - sized for blogVINCENT’s blog tour wrapped up this week with a stop at LITERAL ADDICTION. The Rafflecopter is officially over, but you can still read a brand new interview with yours truly that includes a bit of information about my publication schedule next year that hasn’t been officially announced yet, since I don’t have any specific dates. CHECK IT OUT.

Good news for fans of the Audible books, Traci Odom has officially begun recording RAJMUND. I never realize until I get her lists, how many odd people and place names there are in my books. It’s all those foreign vampires and the places they come from! lol

So last week, I mentioned how much I’m enjoying the new TV show CONSTANTINE. Well, I spoke too soon, because it’s been cancelled. The 9 episodes they recorded will be shown, but that’s it. Darn it. I liked that show.

Oh, well, there’s always the Winchester boys. I’ve been saving episodes of SUPERNATURAL on my DVR, so I can binge once I turn DECEPTION in to my editor at ImaJinn. All the more reason to hide away in my cave until it’s done.

The cave is warm, the cave is comforting, the cave has no distractions. 😀

See you next week!

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