I had a quiet New Year’s Eve, doing what I do every other night … writing! Or, in this case, actually editing the final draft of QUINN, which is very nearly ready to send off to my lovely editor, Brenda. Yay! I’m never sure when I first finish a book, if I’m going to like it. When I’m writing, I’m so into this paragraph or that sentence, that I can’t always see the whole book, until I go back and do my final read-through. Well, I’m happy to say that I love Quinn, and I can hardly wait to share him with you in April 2018!

2018!? I can’t believe we’re here already.

But onward and upward. Next up will be revisions to Shifter Planet 2. I’m going back to Harp, gonna’ run for my life through the unimaginatively named Green (who came up with that name, anyway? 😇 ) New victims, new life forms … yippee!!

The winner has been chosen and notified for my 2017 Newsletter Holiday Giveaway. What? You didn’t know there was a giveaway? That’s because you don’t subscribe to my newsletter, which only comes out for special occasions, like when I release a new book (The Vignettes, Vol. 2 ::cough, cough::) If you don’t want to miss future newsletter-only giveaways, you can subscribe on my Website, dbreynolds.com or you can do it right HERE.

But don’t despair, I still have a giveaway open at FreshFiction.com, giving away a copy of The Vignettes, Vol. 2, print or e, winner’s choice. That giveaway runs until January 6, so you have a few more days to enter.

Finally, as most of you know, 2017 was a complicated year for me … it was one of the saddest years of my life, a year I’ll never forget. But it wasn’t without its joys, including a wonderful trip to Ireland, where I met new friends and old. Here’s hoping 2018 is a better year for all of us, around the world. Tonight, I’m sending love to all my readers and friends who kept me going in the dark times, and who will laugh with me in the light.

Happy New Year, my friends.


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