Happy New Year! I hope you all celebrated with someone(s) you love, or at least like. 😉 The DH and I had an exciting evening. At midnight, I was working and he was sound asleep. We did celebrate New York’s midnight in Times Square, so that’s something, right? L.A. doesn’t really have an equivalent party spot, and in our own little neighborhood, there wasn’t a peep of celebration. Welcome to life on the edge! lol
But the new year is upon us. We all have to get used to writing “2016,” which should happen around July. The new year also means a new GoodReads Challenge. I’m happy to say I exceeded my 2015 challenge of 150 books, ending up with 164 books for the year. I’m sticking with 150 for 2016, since my writing calendar is so very full. According to GoodReads, I’m already a book behind, but actually I’ve read a couple, I just haven’t updated yet. You can follow my progress HERE
And now, you all recognize this place, right? It’s the cave, and it’s where I’ll be spending my time for the next month, because I have a deadline looming. The cave doesn’t have Internet, so I won’t be around much for the next month.
But before I disappear into the cave, I have a New Year’s present for everyone. Thanks to my editor Brenda Chin and publisher Debra Dixon, I’m posting Natalie’s Dream, the Vignette that was a bonus for everyone who signed up for Vamp-Along 2015, here on my blog this morning. You can find it HERE. Please note that this Vignette contains graphic sex. Don’t read this if you don’t want to know whom Natalie’s dreaming about, or what she’s doing in her dream. You have been warned!
And now it’s into the cave for me. I’ve got the fire going and my Diet Cherry Coke to keep me awake. Enjoy my Natalie, and Happy New Year!