2011. Wow. I started this blog in February 2009 just in time for the release of RAPHAEL. I was recovering from major surgery, hoping to find the energy somewhere to finish the edits/galley proofs for RAPHAEL and then do it all over again for JABRIL. It was my first book and I had no idea what I was doing.
It’s been two years since then, and thanks to all of you I’m still here, and SOPHIA, Book 4!, will soon be a reality. It just doesn’t get much better than that.
I trust all of you had a good New Year’s celebration, whether quiet or noisy. For me, this new year means the start of a new book. As I posted on my writing group earlier, for the next few months, it will be all DUNCAN all the time. As always when I begin a new project, I’m very excited to get going. But this time it’s even better, because, well, it’s DUNCAN! WooHoo! But also because I’m ready for some good old-fashioned, bloody violent vampires and S.E.X. Y.E.S! Bring it on, baby!
Feels good, already. 😉
A couple of notes before I go …
I was very, very happy to see RAJMUND listed as one of Stephanie’s Favorite 10 for 2010 at Paranormal Haven. It makes me so proud of my beautiful blue-eyed vamp! And Athenna has decided that since I show such excellent taste in finding Dean (Supernatural) to be the hunkier of the two Winchester brothers, my books must be read! Not that my preference for Dean should surprise anyone. I’ve made no secret of liking the bad boys better.
Also for anyone planning to attend the RT Booklovers Convention in Los Angeles in April, I will definitely be there. I’ll be signing at the Book Expo for sure, and floating around the rest of the time. I’m a backup author on a couple of panel groups, so there’s always that possibility, but I’ll be there every day regardless. They have so many great authors scheduled, I’m excited to be there as a reader, as well as a writer.
One last thing, don’t forget to read Vampire Vignette #5 while you still can. I don’t know how long it will last!
Okay, guess I’ll go get some work done on … DUNCAN! Squeeeeeee!
See you next week.