As if. Of course, I know who Duncan is. The challenge has been, who’s Duncan apart from Raphael’s lieutenant? Well, I’m now thoroughly immersed in Duncan’s story, and … I think I’m in love. And it’s still early days! Imagine once I’ve written the whole thing!
Duncan’s place on my buffet of beautiful men is definitely secure.
Speaking of beautiful men in books, have I mentioned how bad a Kindle is for one’s book budget? It’s just so eeeeeeasy to get more books. Fortunately, I received a gift certificate among my holiday gifts, so that’s offset the damage a little, but Oh. My. God. I shall have to be strong. Which I haven’t been so far.
For example, and while we’re still talking about beautiful men (and why not?) the first book of Larissa Ione’s Demonica series has been on my paperback TBR pile for a while now. I don’t know what took me so long, but I finally picked it up, loved it and … zap! In an instant, I had the rest of the series on my Kindle and ready to read. Great series by the way—hunky alpha demons, vamps, weres … very tough females for the alpha males and very bad bad guys. I highly recommend it. I’ve read a bunch of other books, too (so much for a budget) so I’ll be updating my What I’m Reading Now page tomorrow. Tonight I have to write!
Is it a wonder I get so little sleep? I stay up ’til all hours writing DUNCAN and then convince myself I’ll just read a chapter before going to sleep … two hours later, I finally turn off the light. What a way to go, though, huh?
Let’s see … right, Vampire Vignettes. As always when I put up a new Vignette, I’m getting requests for the previous ones, asking where are they?!! I can’t keep them all up all the time because of copyright issues and the prevalence of digital piracy, but I do rerun them on a regular basis and eventually, someday, I’ll have enough of them to put out an e-book or something. But not yet. In the meantime, we’ll all have to wait for the next rerun, and I don’t honestly know when that will be right now.
My focus is on the release of SOPHIA, and I will definitely be posting a teaser at the end of this month.
Okay. Duncan is calling, and when Duncan calls … I pretty much run (in his direction, of course.)
See you all next week!