7 day Aden giveawayThe final prizes have been awarded in the Vampires in America 7-day giveaway. Thank you to everyone who entered. You can click the image above for the final list.

ADEN Tour Button LRGThe ADEN blog tour is over, too, and thanks to everyone who participated. We’ll have the winners drawn soon.

50 review yarnIn more exciting news … Deb Smith, one of the founding partners of my new publisher, BelleBooks, happens to be a fan of beautiful yarn and an avid knitter. She provided the beautiful, red scarf for the 7-day giveaway, and she also announced that she’d be knitting a custom item for any Belle author who received at least 50 reviews for a new book release. Naturally, MY readers came through, because I have the best readers in the WORLD! And soon, I’ll also have a beautiful new scarf. 🙂

With the end of the blog tour, I’m officially off promo mode and back into writing mode, working on the third Cyn & Raphael novella, which will be titled UNFORGIVEN. And, no, it will not star a vampiric Clint Eastwood. 🙂

I’m also working on a baby quilt for my soon-to-be nephew who’s the next addition to my big family. And when I’m not doing that … I’m reading, of course. I’ve updated my GOODREADS BOOK SHELF. I also figured out why GoodReads says I only read 13 books this year, when we all know it’s closer to 150! Apparently, you have to specify the DATE you finished the book, or it doesn’t get counted for the right year. I’m not going to go back and stick dates on all of my reads, but starting 2014, I’ll do it right! The accurate count of my books read for the year is on my 100 Books in a Year page. The count currently stands at 142, not including novellas, and I’ll keep adding to it until January 1, although, obviously, I met my reading challenge long ago!

By the way, if you’re looking for a good werewolf tale, you should try the latest from my friend Sofia Grey. A HANDFUL OF WOLF.LSB Cover Art Template for PhotoShop

And then there’s …
RiddickYep. I took advantage of the holiday break to catch up on some movies, or at least Vin Diesel movies! 😀 First up was RIDDICK at last! I loved it! Is it going to win an Oscar? No. But was it terrifically entertaining and fun? Yes, yes, yes! Give me more Riddick! I also watched Fast and Furious 6. I can’t believe they killed off … SPOILER ALERT … Han and Gisele! But I’m VERY excited to see that Jason Statham will be showing up in Fast 7, and I hope they’ll give Paul Walker a graceful walk into the sunset. Let him go off to live happily ever after with his family. As for Statham, he’d better be working WITH Vin baby, not against him. I won’t know whom to root for otherwise! I LOVE these movies! My darling husband came in and sat down while I was watching 6. He lasted a few minutes, then gave me a weird look and left the room! LOL btw Dwayne Johnson seems like a nice guy, but in this movie, he TOTALLY looked like his own action figure. He had trouble putting his arms down to his sides because they were so bulked up. I’ll take Vin’s smooth, elegant muscles anytime! 😀

xmas 2013And finally, it’s officially WINTER! Solstice Blessings all around, and this Wednesday, it’s Christmas! Time to gather with those you love, open some presents, and toss around some fruit cake! I wish all of you the best of the holiday, and here’s hoping you’ll have something tastier than fruit cake to celebrate with!


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