First things first, you’ll notice Vampire Vignette #4 has disappeared. Will it appear ever again? Only the shadow knows . . . and me, of course. I know, too. 😀

In its place, I’ve posted a scene deleted from the final version of RAJMUND — it shows Raphael and Cyn’s arrival at the airport (and Duncan, too) and Rajmund meeting them. I think it’s a great scene. There just wasn’t room for everything!

There are also a whole bunch of new RAJMUND reviews out this week. All of them good, I’m happy to say.

First, we’ve got Blog With Bite . . .

Vampire fans, run, don’t walk — and get this novel.

Next up, Paranormal Romance, with their vampire expert Dot Salvagin saying . . .

RAJMUND, the third installment in D.B.Reynolds Vampires In America, series does not disappoint one little bit. It has all the action and romance of the first two books (RAPHAEL[1] and JABRIL[2]). There are tantalizing surprises as the story unfolds. Raj is a totally hot, sexy, dangerous, alpha vampire.

And for my UK readers, there’s a new review at Amazon.UK by Gareth at Falcata Times . . .

. . .deliciously desirable for the reader, [it] will keep you entrenched within the hypnotic world of Dark Urban Fantasy.

All good stuff! And … my first book RAPHAEL is the Book of the Month at for September. I’ll be giving away a copy of one of my books as part of the activities. I’ll post a link and directions later this week. I hope to see you over there.

And, in case you’re wondering, SOPHIA is proceeding very nicely. I spent the last two nights writing sex scenes! It’s hard work, but someone’s got to do it!


PS Actually it IS hard work!!

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