I confess. When I really get into the book I’m writing, it’s difficult for me to surface for just about anything else. I begrudge every moment spent on anything that’s not my story. It takes me forever to read someone else’s book when I’m in this mode, a few pages a night just before I fall asleep. Although there are exceptions, like Patricia Briggs’ latest Mercy Thompson book. That one I blew through in two days. And then there’s taxes. Not that I WANT to take time for taxes, but, well, I must, so I do.

But I’m so deep into SOPHIA these days that I’m working on it in my head all the time. No matter what I’m doing–grocery shopping, having coffee (or hot chocolate in my case) with my husband, driving down the freeway (yikes!) … what I’m really doing is writing new scenes and refining the ones I’ve already written the night before. My husband knows the look on my face when that happens. I’m off with the “neckbiters” he says.

But let me tell you … it’s the best part of writing. When the story and the characters take over and the writing just flows from my fingers and onto the keyboard. It’s … joyous. That’s the only way I can describe it.

So I apologize, dear readers, if my blog posts aren’t terribly entertaining right now. I’m also in that phase of writing where I’m not doing much guest blogging or too many new interviews. That will come later this year when RAJMUND and the new werewolf novella both hit at once, in July/August. Then, you won’t be able to get rid of me, I’ll be so talkative!

In the meantime, though … I haven’t forgotten all of you. I am working on a new Vampire Vignette, in case anyone’s interested. A little story about Cyn and Raphael, one that proves he doesn’t just lust after her, he loves her, too. Awwwwww. And, by popular request, I’m going to take a page from television and do a brief re-run of all my Vignettes later this summer. So those of you who missed #1, this will be your chance!

And don’t forget I’m running a RAJMUND giveaway this month. Post a comment and get your name in the hat! And if you haven’t read RAPHAEL or JABRIL yet (???????) you can choose one of those instead.

I’m going back to SOPHIA now. It’s nearly 2:00 in the morning here, prime time for night owl writers!



PS Oh, and one more five star review on Amazon! Yay!

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