Yes, DRAGAN and I are deep in the cave, getting ready for the big showdown, with a little help from our friends.

Just a reminder that GABRIEL is an AmazonUK monthly deal for June 2019. Amazingly enough, June is almost over, so don’t miss your chance. The Kindle version is only £0.99 ’til the end of June.

Don’t forget also that I’m going to be at the RWA Literacy signing event in New York, NY in July. I’m very excited about that one, looking forward to the conference and seeing lots of readers and other friends. I’ll also be in Washington, DC the following week, meeting more friends and hooking up with family. But if anyone wants to meet for a quick drink and maybe sign a book, send me an email, and we’ll arrange something.

As anyone who follows me on Facebook knows, my Internet was spotty and finally down altogether for more than a week! ATT had to send out three different techs. That was three sit and wait appointments, although they’re always very nice and very prompt. But I wasn’t looking for a new friend, I wanted my Internet fixed. Mind you, I live in a very, very hilly area. I don’t even get cellular reception without help. So, the Internet goes down, I feel totally isolated. Yikes. Anyway, the third ATT guy figured out what was wrong and fixed it! Yay! I now have super-Internet all over my house, and it’s a wonderful thing. (cries softly)

So, now it’s back to the cave with DRAGAN. I want to get his story down before I leave for New York, so I’ve got to get writing.

This week was the official start of summer, so Happy Summer, and I’ll see you back here next week.


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