LOOK AT MY BEAUTIFUL COVER!!!!!!!! Isn’t he pretty? That’s my RAJMUND and I love this cover! I can hardly wait for the book to come out! It’s still going to be July and definitely the second half. I’ll do my best to keep it close to the 15th, but some things are out of my hands.
In other exciting news, HEART OF THE WOLF, my werewolf e-novella is now available for preorder from Bookstrand! The official release date is June 24 and it’s available in five different e-formats, including a direct Kindle download. Clicky, clicky!
Annnnnd … Vampire Vignette #3 has reappeared for its two week run. After that, I’ll be posting the brand new Vampire Vignette #4, just in time to whet your taste for Rajmund!
Such an exciting week!