GABRIEL (Stone Warriors 3) is an Amazon UK monthly deal for June. Only £0.99 and only in the UK, but if you’re still catching up with my Warriors, it’s a great deal.

Not all the sales are just for the UK, however. CHRISTIAN’s e-book is on sale on all platforms worldwide for only $0.99 through June 15.

See that sign? That’s all I’m doing these days. Write, write, write. My new alpha crush, DRAGAN, is rediscovering his magic in this world, letting his instincts out to play…and that’s definitely not good news for anyone who tries to hurt his Maeve.

Which is what I’m getting back to. Can’t let my boy (who is definitely not a boy) get arrested…or worse…for his enemies, that is.(ha ha) Happy June, and I’ll see you back here next week.


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