Hmm, yeah. I watched the Academy Awards tonight, can you tell? Not live, of course. I DVR’d the whole thing and didn’t start watching until I had about a hour and half recorded. And even with that huge buffer, by the time I reached the end (what with fast forwarding through all the boring parts and commercials) I finished pretty much on schedule! I was disappointed Brad Pitt didn’t win for Moneyball, which was a terrific movie. He’s underrated as an actor. And if it couldn’t be him, then it should have been George Clooney whose performance in The Descendants ranged flawlessly from the comic to the tragic. But Harvey Weinstein strikes again. Oh, well.
The night’s oddest moment … Angelina sticking her pale leg out through her black dress in an obvious and calculated pose. What was that? And bravo to the writer who dared to spoof her pose, too.
But back to the world of writing … that would be ME. 🙂 I don’t have much to report this week, because I’m writing A LOT! And when I’m deep into my writing zen, not much else goes on. I am continuing to explore Kindlegraph and have discovered via the creator’s Twitter feed that the only real way to do an actual signature (as opposed to simply having my name typed in a script font) is to sign via i-Pad. Good going, dude! Here’s an idea for a future enhancement … figure out a way to let authors scan and store their signature!!
So now I’m exploring the purchase of an i-Pad. I wanted one anyway, this just advances the timetable. I went shopping at and, of course, I’m immediately called upon to make tortuous decisions — Wi-Fi? or Wi-Fi + 3G? Meh. I don’t get cell coverage at my house (too many hills) so the 3G isn’t much use to me. But then I starting thinking of all the what ifs and it drives me nuts. Same for the 16/32/64 GB question. I really only need 16 for what I have in mind, but what if after I get it, I discover all sorts of other uses, and I end up wanting to do this or add that or … Gah!!!! I did decline the cover available on-line, since it looks cool, but only covers the screen. Wonder why they did that? As for the other, I guess I’ll have to visit the damn store and figure out what to do. Darn.
So, hold on, Kindlegraphers. I’m working on it.
I’m also working on new bookmarks and bookplates with my designer, and they’re going to be so beautiful! I’ll still send out the existing bookmarks until they’re gone, so if you want those (each features a different book cover) better get your order in. And just a reminder that you need to send me an SASE with TWO stamps if you want bookmarks and/or autograph plates. Full details can be found under the FREEBIES tab above.
Oh, oh, one last thing … the lovely Annette at RomFan Reviews will be posting a review of The Vignettes Anthology on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, and she’ll be giving away a copy of the book, either print or e-version, winner’s choice. I’ll remind everyone on Facebook and Twitter, but don’t forget to stop by.
And, OMG, there are only three days left in February and I HAVE to finish the Cyn/Raphael Novella before 1 March. Two scenes left to write—gotta go back to work.
Have a wonderful week, and I’ll see you back here next Sunday, when I’ll be hard at work on LUCAS again!! Not that working on Lucas (hard or otherwise) is EVER a chore. (heh,heh)