I’ve been writing steadily since the first of the year, working on XAVIER, and you know how everyone says writing is a solitary endeavor? Well, it is, and while it makes for an exciting internal dialogue, outwardly I might seem like a bit of a hermit. Probably because I am. I write and I go to the gym…and that’s about it.

One of the reasons I’m working so hard is that I have a few trips coming up, including Book Lovers Con in Nashville! As it gets closer, I’m getting more excited. It’s a very fun and active conference, with lots of unique events throughout the day and evening. There are workshops, dinners, and dancing, including my own Rustic Prom evening and Romancelandia Paranormal trivia contest. And if you can’t make the conference, there’s a public signing on Saturday the 21st. Admission is only $10 at the door, and you can bring up to 8 books from home to be signed.

I’m also adding a pre-order option for the first time. I can’t bring all my books with me to a signing, but I’ve been to a few conferences lately whose authors have taken pre-orders. I didn’t quite know how it worked, but when Book Lovers suggested the option, I learned how. So I now have an official Nashville Pre-Orders page. If you’re coming to the conference, or just the book signing, you can do a pre-pay order for any of my books. I’ll bring the books to the signing, and you just pick them up at my signing table. Yay!
Also, don’t forget that DUNCAN’s e-book is on sale for a few more days. Only $0.99 on all the usual platforms, until 2/15//2020.

There’s still one more day left on DRAGAN’s blog tour, with the $25 Amazon gift card giveaway still open. You can find the entire schedule HERE.

And finally, if you love bad boy romance as much as I do (and we all know I love it!) I can’t recommend Angela Addams’s latest book highly enough. The characters suck you in from the first page, the story keeps moving and keeps you guessing. And while I won’t tell you what happens, I will say that my heart ached for these two! It’s brand new, just releasing today, and the e-book is only $3.99. It’s a great price for a great story. Loved it!

And I think that’s it for this week. Oh, right, one more thing…the winners of my DRAGAN newsletter giveaway have already been selected and notified. But stay tuned for the next giveaway.

And now back to writing XAVIER, so damn sexy!

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