AH, LUCAS … (and 9 inches explained)

Let’s begin with the sublime … and that would be Lucas. I sent the edits/revisions back to my publisher, and while no one enjoys THAT process, I have to say, I DID enjoy working with Lucas again. He’ll definitely be getting another story, because I am NOT finished with him yet. Sweeeeet.
And speaking of future stories, does anyone out there know how to work AutoRealm? It’s a fantasy role-playing mapper software that’s available on the web. I’m looking for a software I can use to create a map of the territories. I think this one will work, but I can’t access their Help file, because of some Windows incompatibility. If you know anything about it, please either comment on this blog, or email me at dbreynoldswriter@live.com. Thanks!
And about those 9 inches and twenty minutes … and no, I’m not talking about Lucas, because as I noted on Facebook, at 20 minutes, Lucas is just getting started. (Yum.) But I did promise an explanation, and it’s very worthwhile, so here goes. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and last year, women all over the country posted the color of their bra on Facebook. It got a lot of attention in the press, and so this year, people tried to come up with something similar. There happen to be two different DMs floating around Facebook, but the one in question asks women to take their SHOE size (Naturally. What? You thought it was something else?) and combine it with how long it takes to fix their hair in the morning, and post it thusly … 9 inches, twenty minutes. You’re encouraged to DM all of your friends, but I don’t like doing that, so I’m explaining it here. I do, however, encourage everyone to participate and do whatever they can to raise awareness of something that has probably touched all of our lives.
On a lighter note, I’ve taken to watching CASTLE on DVD while I exercise. I was reluctant to watch this series, because I sooooo loved Nathan Fillion’s Captain Mal in Firefly (TV Series) and Serenity (movie.)But I read all of the Nikki Heat books over the last few months, and it made me curious enough to take a look. And now I’m hooked. I’m only on season one, so still lots to go. I also watched the latest episode of GRIMM, and I have a question … did everyone get a voice over play by play of the action, or was it just MY DVR that somehow screwed up? It was irritating as hell, whatever it was. And the episode wasn’t all that great either. Still haven’t watched Once Upon a Time. I just can’t generate the interest. I was, however, VERY interested in the Season Premier of SUPERNATURAL! The Winchester boys are back and pretty as ever!
Just so you know, there are TWO spiders on the wall behind me. Way up high on the wall. Too high for me to reach, since this part of my house has really high ceilings. One spider is really big, the other one small, and they’re very close to each other, but haven’t moved in a long time. You know how it is with spiders, though. It’s the small ones that are gonna get you. I’m being philosophical about it. Even if they drop, they won’t drop on me. On the other hand, I’m probably going to zap them both with a shot of Raid before I retire for the night. 😀
Books, books, books! I know! I have to write my reviews, but I was working on LUCAS all this week. I did, however, read the newest John Sandford, which came out last week! It was a Virgil Flowers called Mad River, and it was GREAT! I love Sandford and I love Virgil! And now I have to wait another whole year for the next one. ::sigh::
Hmm, okay, I think that’s it for me this week. LUCAS is near, and I’m counting the days. Man, I can hardly wait to share his story with you all!
One final note … Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadian friends! Have a lovely holiday and don’t eat too much. (Ha!)
See you back here next week.

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