Betrayed Reynolds - 600x900x300All sorts of stuff going on here this week, beginning with the new cover for BETRAYED. Isn’t it gorgeous? Amazon should pop up with it soon—could be an hour, could be a day or two. One never knows with Amazon. The story inside is the same, but ImaJinn/Belle are re-releasing the novellas with new covers as part of the run-up to the 1 October release of UNFORGIVEN. HUNTED will be re-released with a new cover soon, too. I’ll post that one as soon as it’s officially released.

Another part of the run-up to UNFORGIVEN and then VINCENT was this week’s mini-blog tour which included several interviews, a couple of great giveaways, and …. a brand new short story with a glimpse at Lucas, Aden and Raj as they plan for the war that everyone knows is coming. All that beauty in one room. Yum. The SHORT STORY is at Cassandra Lost in Books. And I’ll also be posting it here on my website next week.

And GIVEAWAYS! There’s still time to get in on the following giveaways.

Stephanie at PARANORMAL HAVEN is offering a terrific giveaway, the e-book versions of both RAPHAEL and JABRIL to a single winner. And while you’re signing up for the giveaway, you can check out my interview, too.

And Elizabeth at EXPRESSIONS OF A HOPEFUL ROMANTIC is giving away the e-book of any one book from my backlist. You can check out my interview with Elizabeth, too.

The blog tour included four interview stops altogether, including the two above. And, believe it or not, the questions for all of these interviews were different! Good questions! You can find the remaining two interviews on the following links:

Now that the blog tour is over, I’m plotting, plotting, plotting. Yep, Cyn and Raphael’s next adventure is underway. Still in the early stages, but I expect to start the actual writing by next week. I’ll have to if I’m going to meet my deadline. Yikes!

I’ve done more reading than usual this week, a little break in between books. I haven’t posted all of my books to GoodReads yet, but I’m pretty sure once I do, I’ll be caught up on my Reading Challenge. Now, I just have to keep up the pace in order to make my goal for the year.

Small screen: There isn’t much on TV, is there? I’m enjoying Longmire, and the reruns of Elementary (which I love.) I’m not watching True Blood. Although I am DVR’ing it, so there’s the possibility of a speed watch eventually, just so I can drop in on my favorite characters,i.e., Eric and Alcide. (I’m so shallow. 😀 ) I’ve been reading spoilers on FB and elsewhere, since I’m not vested in the season and don’t care about being spoiled, so I know the big moments. Or should I say THE big moment, since as far as I can tell there’s only been one. SPOILER: I never liked Tara, so I considered her death more of a relief that a moment. 🙂 Big screen: no new movies for me this week. We did watch a couple of favorites, including the classic Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. The DH loves that movie!

And that’s pretty much it for me the past week. That was a lot, though. This week, I’m sorry to say, is another effing birthday for me. I really think we should be able to shut those suckers off beyond a certain age. I stopped enjoying them around 30, and 30 wasn’t so hot either. Although that was mostly because the DH—who wasn’t my DH yet, just my D—was far, far away on a lengthy business trip. He sent roses, though. Hence, the D.

Anyway, I’ll be working with Cyn & Raphael this coming week , but taking the dreaded b-day off for a massage and dinner with the DH.

Hope your week has all the good parts of that without any of the growing older part!


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