I received the galley proofs for RAPHAEL yesterday. One more step toward the publication of my first book.  Very exciting!  And since I’m a control freak, very gratifying to be able to do a final check on the manuscript.  It always amazes me the mistakes that slip by on revision after revision, little things that my mind and eye miss because they fill in the proper word for me as I read, rather than catching the error.  It’s a strange phenomenon, but one I share with other writers.  They’ve all said the same thing.


Of course, this also means I’ve spent much of my weekend on the computer, reading.  But that’s all right too.  The weather here was pretty gloomy anyway, the perfect time to stay inside and read a good book – the good book being RAPHAEL, of course!  LOL


I’ll be going back to work on my third Vampires in America book as soon as I finish the RAPHAEL galleys.  It’s titled RAJMUND and I’ll be writing more about that and about JABRIL, the second book in the series, in the days to come.




Creepy Fact for Today:  In a study last year, researchers found more cocaine residue on U. S. bills than on any other currency.   Also found on the money: staphylococcus bacteria and fecal matter.   Eeeeeeewwwww.


3 thoughts on “GALLEYS!”

  1. This must be a really exciting time for you. How do you pronounce Rajmund by the way?

    And where do you get your creepy facts – they are great in a (((shuddery))) way! Lol!

  2. Rajmund is pronounced RYE-mund. In the book, everyone calls him Raj, as in Roger.

    The creepy facts come from a lot of places — on-line, magazines, the news. I pick these things up and jot them down for future use. I have a strange mind. LOL


  3. Creepy Fact for Today: In a study last year, researchers found more cocaine residue on U. S. bills than on any other currency. Also found on the money: staphylococcus bacteria and fecal matter. Eeeeeeewwwww.

    The social commentary is so obvious that the creepy fact speaks for itself 😉

    Have a lovely day! 🙂

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