Okay, let’s start with first things … or third … Vignette #3 is up. For those of you who’ve never read it, #3 is the first of a two-part Vignette, the only one I’ve done that way. But no cliffhangers! 😀

And I’ve been killing my to-do list this week! I can actually walk into my spare bedroom without taking my life in my hands. 🙂 Woohoo!

But not all is to-do list in my life. I’ve also been working on Vignette #6 and the outline for LUCAS. Give me a couple of weeks and I’ll be writing Book 6! Hard to believe.

And speaking of televisions programs (we were, weren’t we?) I watched the new Cinemax series Strike Back this week. I’m a big fan of action/adventure Bourne type movies with lots of hut-hut action. And I loved this new series! They’re previewing Episode 2 on-line, so I didn’t have to wait ’til next week. Cool. Good looking, shirtless and/or naked guys running around with guns. Yay!

Hmm, also, I added a DUNCAN page up top, but it basically just gives the release date. I know what the book is about, obviously—and my critique partners loved it, by the way – yay! — but I have to figure out a tagline that doesn’t give away the story, because my publisher and I are keeping this one close to our vests (and our hearts!)

I finally updated my What I’m Reading Now page. I’ve actually been reading a lot of books, but since I only post the ones I can recommend … well, let’s just say a lot of the books I’ve read lately didn’t make the cut. But this week they did!

Hmmm, okay, one of my weird satellite channels has a Buffy marathon going on. I think I’m becoming a TV addict. This is not good. I better start writing soon! 😀

See you all right back here next week!


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