There’s a lot happening this week. First, I want to wish all of you a very blessed and happy Yule, the Winter solstice, the longest night of the year, and a very good night for vampires! Raphael might hate the cold weather, but he does love the long nights. From here out, the days will get longer, the nights shorter.
And, of course, this Friday is Christmas. I have family all over the holiday map, so I celebrate them all, and this Thursday night, we’ll be having a big Christmas Eve blow-out, with a huge tree, tons of presents, and all the little kids dressed up and excited. And then Christmas Day will be a quiet dinner with just the DH and me, and a good movie. By the way, speaking of good movies, we watched The Martian this weekend, with Matt Damon, and loved it! Oh, and I did see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It was fun. I’ll be seeing it again soon and think I’ll enjoy it more the second time, when I can see the depth in each scene instead of just the surface action and CGI.
And don’t forget that Vamp-Along 2015 is still going on, with lots of giveaways, and on December 23rd, we’ll be sending out a very special bonus scene to everyone who’s signed up. You can find details on the Vamp-Along 2015 Facebook Page or sign up on the Vamp-Along 2015 Sign-Up Page. Remember, if you’re not signed up, you won’t get to read the scene until I post it as a Vignette somewhere down the road. Way down the road, because my writing calendar is stuffed full until at least May. So don’t forget to sign up.
And now I’m going back to work on that very full writing calendar!
Have a wonderful week of holidays!