Halloween is a busy night in my neighborhood, lots of trick or treaters starting with the little ones at dusk and stretching well into the night with the teens who drive themselves to the neighborhood!! But I’m well stocked with candy, so I should be good.

Not much news on the writing front. I’m mulling plots and scenes for Book 4. I know the basic story, but now I’ve got to fill in the guts, so to speak. My head was blank for a while . . . not unusual after I finish a big project like RAJMUND. It’s like my brain needs to rest a bit. But now ideas are beginning to percolate, so I’m a happy writer.

NaNoWriMo begins tomorrow. I’m a big fan of NaNo, but won’t be doing it this year — first time in about six years that I haven’t done it, and I’m a little sad about that. But I don’t have anything ready to go and I have too much other stuff to catch up on to start something new. I’ve signed up and made my donation anyway. It’s an excellent event and one I encourage every writer to support.

Don’t forget my new contest, comment on any of my blogs between now and the end of November and you get to name a character who appears in both RAJMUND and book 4!

And just because it’s Halloween, I’ve got some disgusting candy samples for the holiday! some are just in poor taste, but others are truly creepy. Check them out here And just in case you didn’t get to carve your own pumpkin, you can do it here!


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