This is what Cyn and Raphael would see if they stepped out onto their balcony on July 4th. That’s the Santa Monica pier in the distance, with the ferris wheel on the left, and fireworks being shot off in the water at the end of the pier on the right.
People (from other countries) have told me it’s weird that we refer to this date by the date itself. Happy 4th of July, instead of Happy Independence Day. No imagination, I guess. 😀
The Stone Warriors: DAMIAN continues to receive great reviews . . .
“Damian and Casey’s story is a beautiful and amazing journey, full of adventure!” Cassandra Lost in Books
I’m excited about the next book in the Stone Warriors series, too. I’m already making lots of notes when I’m not working on LUCIFER, which is the next Vampires in America story. Although Lucifer is taking up most of my time these days.
This is my Lucifer. I can’t use this image on a cover, but it can be my inspiration as I write. I love my Lucifer. He’s smart, which I especially love, and he has a dry sense of humor that is always with him. He’s powerful and determined, and once on a trail he never stops. He’s also madly in love with his Eleanor, in an old-fashioned, romantic way. And I love that, too.
I can hardly wait until I get to share Lucifer and Eleanor with all of you. But in order for that to happen, I have to get back to work! So, I’m going to do that now.
Don’t forget my monthly contests over at Fresh Fiction. This month I have two contests going, one for an e-book giveaway of DAMIAN, and a separate contest for an e-book giveaway of both RAPHAEL and JABRIL. Both contests are open internationally.
So, for my readers in the U.S., have a great holiday, and, for all of you, I’ll be back next week with more Lucifer!