RAPHAEL is still holding the #1 spot over at Fictionwise.com for Dark Fantasy, which is amazing to me. And if that’s not great enough, I received another 5 Star review from Book Movie Reviews. Drop over and check it out! It certainly made MY day brighter. And be sure and stop by my Squidoo page created by Michael Moore. Leave a comment when you visit, so Mike knows you’ve been there!
In honor of all the good news, I’m starting a new contest. Since I’m getting a late start, this one will run through June and be something slightly different. It’s a trivia contest based on RAPHAEL, a way of thanking my loyal readers. I tried to think of something only those who’ve read the book would know . . . so here goes. The question is: How many calories in Cyn’s housekeeper’s home-baked muffins? I’m not looking for scientific accuracy here, just the number Cyn is convinced each of the sinfully good muffins must contain. E-mail the answer to me at dbreynoldswriter@aol.com and put the word CONTEST in the subject line. At the end of June, I’ll take all the submissions with the right number and pull a winner.
What’s the prize, you say? A $25 Amazon gift certificate — which you can then use to buy JABRIL at the end of July! Ha, ha. No, you can use it to buy anything you want. I’ll be starting a new contest in July that will begin giving away copies of JABRIL.
Okay. Back to writing. I’m in NaNo mode this month, determined to have a revised, first draft of RAJMUND completed and ready for my crit group . . . so they can tell me everything that’s wrong with it. 🙁
Creepy Fact for Today: In Brazil, there’s a species of cockroach that eats eyelashes, usually those of young children while they are asleep. The hungry little insect is attracted to the minerals and moisture from the tear ducts.