A NEW CONTEST … and help!!!!!!

Okay, I’m going to do the help part first, because it all comes together in the contest part. As I posted a couple of weeks ago, my werewolf novella HEART OF THE WOLF will be e-published in July. I’m very excited about this, because I LOVE my werewolf characters and hope to write more with them. Anyway, the publisher wants me to come up with several questions/answers (essentially interviewing myself) to go along with my author listing on their web site, and they don’t want the same ol’, same ol’ questions.

Now, I’ve done a whole bunch of interviews over the last year while I was promoting RAPHAEL and JABRIL and there were some VERY good questions. I’ll be borrowing liberally (and shamelessly) from those interviews, too. But I thought maybe all of you might have a question or two that you always wanted someone to ask, but no one ever did. Remember, these questions are supposed to make a potential reader want to read my books. So, don’t ask me the name of my dog. First of all, I don’t HAVE a dog, but secondly … Well, you get the picture.

Which brings us to the contest part. Enter your questions in the comments part of this blog post. I might use your specific question, I might not, BUT, everyone who posts a question (and let’s TRY to be inventive, people) will get her/his name in the hat for a giveaway drawing. The winner will get his/her choice of an autographed copy of any one book … either RAPHAEL, JABRIL or RAJMUND. RAJMUND, of course, will be a promise for the future, the copy to be mailed after the book’s release later this summer.

This contest will only run through the end of March, but I’ll be starting a new contest in April. The prize will be the same, but the entry requirement will be different.

So, get those questions in now!


FACTS, VIDEOS and AMUSING LINKS: Tooling around the Internet, actually looking for photos of Northwestern Washington state, I happened across a website called Atlas Obscura, which describes itself as “A Compendium of the World’s Wonders, Curiosities and Esoterica — sort of the Internet version of a Renaissance era Wonder Cabinet. Here’s the Wiki listing for Wonder Cabinet for anyone who’s never heard of it. So … back to Atlas Obscura, there’s all sorts of cool stuff, but I LOVE these photos of a place called Kjeragbolten in Norway. It’s a GIANT bolder suspended over a 1000 meter abyss! Amazing. My favorite is the picture of the sheep — second row, second from right. I wonder if she jumped there on her own or if there was some human connivance involved?

There are lots more cool photos of this on Flickr, if you’re interested.

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