Every time. I write a new character, and I fall in love with him. This week, of course, I’m talking about Aden. He’s difficult and dark, but oh so sensuous. And deep in his black heart is a core of strength and honor. ::sigh::
Yes, I’ve done a lot of writing this week, a lot of quality time with Aden, and, oh, yeah, Sidonie, too. (heh heh)
I had a very productive week, and not only in terms of writing. I got my home office wired back up, so I can use my desktop computer again. My books and files still aren’t back, but there’s no urgency on that. I’d rather spend the time finalizing Aden, and I have all of my research for that close to hand.
And as promised, I treated myself to Iron Man 3, and loved it! I love the sly humor. RDJ is perfect, and if you stayed through the credits, you know that Iron Man will be back! Yay! This week it’s Star Trek Into Darkness, and I can hardly wait!
On the small screen this week was the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. I like other music, too, but my heart will always be with rock and roll, so I loved this. And then there was this week’s Game of Thrones, which was oddly unsatisfying. Especially the closing scene with Sam, the girl, Gilly, and the baby running off into the night, leaving behind the only weapon that worked against the walker!! What a dunderhead. Time for evolution to take its course. Sam’s an idiot–a sweet idiot, but an idiot all the same–but Gilly had a more practical upbringing, I’d have expected her to remember the knife.
As for the psychotic king Joffrey … it’s been a while since I read those books, but please tell me he dies a horrible death involving weeping lesions and castration. They’re very big on damaging penises in this series— cutting off Theon’s, sticking a leech on Gendry’s— what could it hurt to slice and dice Joffrey a little bit?
Also abandoning me this week with season finales were Elementary, which I love, and Grimm, whose 2nd season was so much better than their first (albeit with Juliet still hanging in there – ugh.) On the other hand, Longmire starts up this weekend! And Strike Back won’t be far behind, and then True Blood, which I admit by this point I’m watching mostly just so I can lust after Alexander Skarsgard. LOL
Don’t forget my listing on Brenda Novak’s Auction, NAME A CHARACTER IN ADEN. We’re heading into the final week of the auction, which is when most of the hot bidding takes place, so keep an eye on that one.
Have I forgotten anything? How about if I leave you with an observation from my new boyfriend, Aden …
“Some women,” he murmured, his dark voice a burr of sound that scraped against her every nerve, “want what’s not good for them.”
Well, for my part, let me just say … there’s good … and then there’s goooood. ;D
Have a great week!