I can’t believe the year is half over already! At this rate DUNCAN will be here before you know it! ;-D
The hot weather has definitely arrived here in So. California. I’m not much of a Summer person. I mostly hide out in air conditioned rooms and wait for the Fall. Hiding out in air conditioned rooms is good for writing, though! And that’s good for my readers, since I seem to remember promising a new Vampire Vignette by the end of Summer. Hmmmm.
I haven’t been getting much reading done lately, since I’ve been writing like crazy, but my good friend (and brilliant writer) Adrian Phoenix released the second book in her Hoodoo series this week, Black Heart Loa. Adrian’s hoodoo books delve into lots of magic (black and white), voodoo, hoodoo (yes, there is a difference) plus gorgeous nomads of the male variety. I love her writing and I love this book!
By the way, thanks to everyone who bid on my character naming for the L.A.Banks auction! I worried when I put it up there that no one would bid on it, but no! It did quite well, I’m happy to say.
Let’s see, what else can I say this week? My brain is so wrapped up in DUNCAN, that’s it’s difficult to force it down any other path. (The sexual innuendo in that one sentence should tell you where my mind is…for shame! LOL) So, I think I’ll just get back to it and do us all a favor!
Happy 4th of July to all my American readers and a belated Happy Canada Day to everyone up North!
See you next week!