I spoke with my editor today and it looks like JABRIL will be available sometime on Monday, August 10th (fingers crossed) from ImaJinnBooks.com. You’ll be able to immediately download the PDF or order the print version. I don’t know what time on Monday, depends on when the web site is updated. My editor will e-mail me as soon as it’s available and I’ll post it here in BIG letters!
Amazon.com, BN.com and Fictionwise.com will be after that, probably around the 24th, because of their inventory update schedules. Again, I’ll post it here as soon as it’s available.
IN THE MEANTIME . . . in all the rush to get copy edits, revisions and galley proofs done, I forgot to announce the winner of the July contest!! Duh!
So . . . TEZ!!!! You’re the winner! Yaaay!
And as soon as JABRIL hits, I’ll open a new contest for August and start lining up some guest blogs and interviews. I’m also working on RAJMUND which will probably be out in early 2010, although I don’t have a specific date yet.
Thanks for your patience. I’ll be posting the release news just as soon as I have it.
CREEPY AND WEIRD THINGS . . . This one is not for the faint of heart, nor the prudish of mind. Click at your own risk, and be sure to scroll down.