I wish I could show you the cover of GABRIEL. He’s sooooo gorgeous. But not yet. The artist at ImaJinn is still finalizing the cover, but it won’t be long. The release date has been set for October 30, and ImaJinn wants the pre-order up soon. I’m so excited about this book. I just loved writing it. It’s always fun for me when Raphael and Cyn get in on the action.

Lessons in what not to do … don’t try to pack for a long trip in the middle of a renovation. Argh. I had a quiet weekend, i.e., no contractors, so I managed to clean my laundry room and keep it clean long enough to wash all the clothes I’ll be taking with me. I still have to pack my pantry (not for the trip, but because they’re going to tear my kitchen apart.) But I already packed the important stuff … which means the wine, vodka, and tequila are safe. Priorities, people.

While packing and doing other stuff, I also totally binge-watched this TV show on Amazon. HUNTED follows agent Sam Hunter who trusts no one as she tries to figure out which member of her own team set her up to be killed. It’s full of action, excellent acting, and very watchable. Frank Spotnitz, a member of the creative team that brought us The X-Files, is the creator of Hunted, as well.

And, finally, I can’t recommend this book more highly. Full of witches and magic, along with a gripping story, and a beautiful romance, it’s excellently written and will leave you wanting more … as in, when’s the next book coming out???? I stayed up all night to finish this one.

Okay, I’m going back to my packing … both kinds. The pantry’s going in a box today, and hopefully some clothes will make it to my suitcase. (fingers crossed)

I’ll be posting from somewhere in Europe next week, so let’s hope I remember how to figure out time zones. Or, maybe I’ll just let my phone do it for me. 😀


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