That’s right. I’m saying “Argh!” and it’s not even Talk Like a Pirate Day. ::sigh:: As I noted on my Facebook page, the gremlims of email are at it again. An essential email from me to my publisher was waylaid during the week, delaying LUCAS’s early release, which we’d actually hoped would be this past week. I sent the email last Sunday, but we didn’t realize it had gone astray until Friday night!! Argh, indeed.
But, it’s all been corrected now, so I’m hopeful LUCAS will appear on Amazon sooner, rather than later. I’ll maintain my Amazon watch and let everyone know as soon as it pops.
In the meantime, several LUCAS ARCs have gone out, and I’m already getting feedback, all of it good. I hope you all will love him as much as I do. He’s definitely one of my favorite vampires. And speaking of ARCs and reviews, the first of many promo events will happen this Wednesday, October 24, with a series spotlight and e-book giveaway over at LITERAL ADDICTION. Please drop by and leave some love! And maybe win a copy of LUCAS, too!
So … other than throwing up when I found out that my email had been tossed into the black hole that is the internet (heh, heh, It wasn’t QUITE that bad. 🙂 ) I spent my week working on a couple of upcoming guest posts, and my new story which is progressing very nicely. I also posted my review of Eileen Wilks’ Mortal Ties on MY GOODREADS PAGE And since finishing that book, I’ve been going through my TBR pile, trying and tossing (or filing) one book at a time, looking for one that grabs and HOLDS my attention. No luck so far, which is sad, but my TBR pile is both e and print, and it has a lot of depth, so I’ll find something eventually. And there’s always Laura Griffin’s newest release, SCORCHED which comes out on 30 October, and which I’ve (naturally) pre-ordered. Not to mention my favorites shelf (or e-file) which has those books I can always turn to for a great re-read.
No movies for me this week, no time. But on the small screen, I’m totally hooked on CASTLE. I’m now up to Season 3, and already despairing that I’m going to run out soon, and then I’ll have to find something else to distract me from the punishment that is the elliptical. I keep waiting for that endorphin rush everyone talks about. You know, the one that makes exercise so pleasurable? But it just ain’t happening! LOL I’m also really liking ELEMENTARY, the new Sherlock Holmes adaptation with Johnny Lee Miller as Sherlock and Lucy Liu as Watson. And, of course, the Winchester boys are back on SUPERNATURAL, and I’m happy to say they’re pursuing regular old creepy cases while continuing the search for Kevin (the prophet who can read the Word of God.) I’m not a fan of giant (i.e., unbelievable) conspiracies, and really prefer the good old monster bashing stories.
Hmm, okay I think that’s it for me this week. Don’t forget to drop by LITERAL ADDICTION for the e-book giveaway, and hopefully by this time next week, we’ll all have LUCAS on our hot, little Kindle readers! 😀
See you back here next Sunday night, with news of LOTS more giveaways, along with guest posts that include some special glimpses of Lucas’s life.