Okay, so that’s not entirely fair to my computer. It’s NOT my computer; it’s my router. Which died on me a couple days ago, leaving me with three computers and one Internet connection. Apparently, the person with a penis has first dibs on the Internet connection. Who knew? LOL
So I’m squeezing Internet time on my darling husband’s computer, which is very frustrating, while trying to (a) buy a new router and (b) get it hooked up. Same router, just swap the new one in, right? Of course not. I’m still trying to figure out how to convince the router that I DO have an Internet connection. ::sigh::
I have someone far more knowledgeable than I working on a solution, so I’m hoping to have a router back by tonight. Fingers crossed. Well, briefly, anyway. I have to type, ya know.
But onto the GOOD NEWS! Another review, wonderfully written, by Lesley at Lesley’s Book Nook. And Lesley will be doing an interview in a few days too — the first one on the Book Nook. I’ve received the questions, now I just have to figure out how to write some brilliant and clever answers with a brain that’s been totally fried by router problems.
MORE GOOD NEWS . . . RAPHAEL continues to be the #1 ranked Dark Fantasy on Fictionwise.com, which is just amazing. I’m so happy about that, and I want to thank everyone who bought their e-book over there, and especially those who took the time to rank RAPHAEL with all those “great” responses.
Okay, back to writing RAJMUND, which is coming along very, very nicely. And don’t forget to enter the trivia contest for the $25 Amazon gift certificate. You can find the contest details on this blog, below the covers of RAPHAEL and JABRIL.
Thanks, everyone!