April 2011, ImaJinn Books

ImaJinn Books
Sophia - 600x900x300

The Pacific Northwest . . . home to lush forests and constant rain, to lumberjacks and computer geeks, especially those of the vampire kind.

SOPHIA, beautiful and deadly, has spent the last hundred years dancing her way through the balmy nights and hot-blooded men of South America. But when her Sire sends an urgent summons, Sophia rushes home to Vancouver only to find he has disappeared, leaving nothing behind but three dead vampires and a letter with Sophia’s name on it.

COLIN MURPHY, a former Navy SEAL, came to the Northwest seeking a quiet place to heal the scars earned in more than a decade at war. But when someone starts killing local vampires and torturing their mates, Colin takes on the mantle of a warrior once again as he sets out to find the killers and do whatever it takes to stop them, even if that means hunting with vampires.

Following her Sire’s trail of death to a small town in northern Washington, Sophia unexpectedly discovers the heat of a South American night in Colin’s arms. But all too soon Sophia and Colin find themselves in a race to uncover the killers before the next dead vampire is Sophia herself.

–The Romance Reviews

I’ve been a avid fan of the Vampires in America series from the beginning, and I think it’s safe to say this is the best book in the series to date. With an intriguing mystery, a resilient heroine and enough sizzle to knock your socks off, this is D.B. Reynolds at her very best.

–Fresh Fiction  (

Remarkably fresh and stunningly beautiful! Sophia is as enchanting as she is dangerous!

–Bitten By Paranormal Romance (

I could gush on and on about this book, but I’ll just hit on the things I enjoyed the most. The witty repartee between Cyn and Colin, and the close relationship they develop. Raphael and Cyn: She gives as good as she gets. Duncan, Duncan, DUNCAN! The plot twists and turns. The violent encounters and sexy escapades!

–Joyfully Reviewed (

Sophia is a sexy paranormal story with tons of high octane action.

–RomFanReviews  (

Full of energy, suspense and of course hot vampires this is a must read. Sophia proves herself to be a stronger vampire then she thought she was capable of and Colin is her mate in all ways possible. It also brings back Raphael, Cyn and Duncan as well which is always an added bonus. I am anxious to see what Ms. Reynolds brings us with her next book DUNCAN and takes us again into this amazing world of vampires.

42 thoughts on “SOPHIA”

    1. Hi Gina,
      According to my publisher, all of the books should be available in Nook as well as the other e-readers sometime this year. I don’t know exactly when, but I’ll post it as soon as my publisher lets me know.

  1. It’s great to know the release date for Sophia! And may I tell you how much I am lovin’ the Kindle pricing on your books? Do you know if the paperback and Kindle edition will be released at the same time? Some publishers put a delay on things.

    1. Kindle and print should be released at the same time. That’s what I’m getting from my publisher anyway. I know some publishers delay, and it kind of pisses me off!! LOL

  2. When do we get to see the cover for Sophia?! my curiosity is beyond peaked! 😉 i finished Rajmund a couple of weeks back and I screamed at reading the last page. Not that I want to spoil things for anyone but please tell me your not going to do anything detrimental to Raphael??

  3. Aw, I love Raphael! He’s safe with me.

    About the SOPHIA cover, it’s in the works and I’m hoping to have it very soon.

      1. oh astrid, i feel your pain. I can’t seem to find the books in Western Australia so i have to amazon it. I am really hoping that april hurries up so i can ensure my Raphael is safe and sound….

  4. i cant wait for sophia. dont know how im going to wait till april, but i was wondering, if the ebook comes out the same day as well.

  5. So many different e-formats and every one has a different release schedule! The PDF from the publisher ImaJinn is usually available before the print release. Kindle and the print version from Amazon should be available the same day, April 15th. Fictionwise sometimes takes a few days longer.

    Look for the first chapter teaser in my post this Sunday night!


    1. thanks for answering so quick. but i just checked out the website again today, but the first chapter isn’t up yet. so i was wondering is it up somewhere else or just not up yet.

      1. Ah, well. I write so late into the night that for me Sunday night is actually Monday morning for normal people. It’s up now, though.

        I try to remember the time difference between my schedule and that of the rest of the world, but sometimes I forget. I’ll do better next time. 🙂


  6. Well now I’m really excited. wawhoo! Thank you:) I got up early so I could read this.

    P.S. Looking forward to Kresley cole’s book too..

  7. I just read all the books again. I just love Raphael and Cyn so much and I’m always eager to read every little bit about their life. I was shocked to read about Raphaels blodd covered face and hope all will be turn out ok. But now I’m wondering who the heck is Sophia? Is she mentioned before? Can you give me some information about her? I’m also eagerly waiting for Duncans story….and of course hope to see more about my favorite couple R & C. Are you planing to write another Vinette about them???
    Thanks for any reply. A fan from switzerland!

    1. Hi Susi,
      Sophia is my very first female Vampire Lord. She’s a brand new character, and you’ll meet her for the first time in her book. There’s also lots of Cyn and Raphael in this story, so something for everyone.

      I’ll definitely be doing more Vignettes, and some of them will definitely be about Raphael and Cyn’s life together, so no worries there.


  8. I loved all your books! Thank you for making Cyn a strong independent woman (esp. financially independent). I checked with and noticed “Sofia” is not listed as available book/ebook for pre-order? Esp. April is around the corner. Can you let me know if this will be made available on
    Thank you!

  9. Thank you, Helene! Sophia will be available from Amazon, but because my publisher is small press, we can’t do pre-orders on Amazon. Never fear, however, Sophia is on track for her April 15 release, and she’ll be available in both print and Kindle from Amazon.

    1. SOPHIA is out on Amazon Kindle as of 3:00 am, April 5, and she’s available from in both PDF and for print order.

      Print copies of the book should start shipping from ImaJinn by the end of this week (media mail) and should be available from Amazon and by the end of the next week.

      Fictionwise is usually a week behind Amazon.

      I’ll post it on my blog as soon as the books are available on the other sites!!

      Not long now, Johnny!


  10. Patricia Garrett

    Hi D. B. Reynolds,

    I just wanted to let you know I gave you a rave review at Hope you have great success ’cause I really like reading about Cyn and Raphael.

    Now, please, get back to writing Duncan’s story. He’s one of my favorite characters in your Vampire of America series. Can you tell us approximately when you think book five will be published? This year?

  11. Hi Patricia! Thank you so much for the review! It really helps, especially since the print version isn’t out yet, so the page looks a little bare!

    I AM back to DUNCAN already! He’s a honey (a southern, sloooooowwwwww honey) so it’s all pleasure on my part. 😀

  12. I just finished “Sophia” and loved it. I fell in love with Raphael when I read his story and loved that he and Cyn played such a big role in this story. Power is sexy and Raphael is very, very powerful. 🙂 Can’t wait for Duncan to come out as I think I will like it for different reasons.

  13. Thank you, Bonnie! I do love the big guy … Raphael I mean. I love Duncan, too, but there’s only one Raphael.

  14. damn women your wonderful i truly haved loved all your books but sophia touched me greatly when cyn got shoot and i though she was dying well i lost it, well i,m not one to cry never have been , but i used ahole box of tissue up when i said nothing in life was free i was not talking about 2 stamps anyway when is duncan comming out i,m sorry it took so lone to get back to u. pc broke down it got fixed the vul.card is up i don,t know about a pcs, it be nice to have duncan for my b-day june no way right? luv ya j.k.

    1. Johnny! I wondered where you were! I’m glad you liked the book, and don’t worry about the crying. I cried all the time while I was writing and revising those scenes! 😀


    1. No, this one has to be just right! I’ve already given the artist a description so she could keep an eye out for the perfect picture of Duncan!

  15. i love and miss u too. ps no chance of getting duncan by june b=day which this is going to be the worst b-day 50 crying

    1. Ugh. Sorry about the birthday–I’ve stopped counting mine! But no chance of a Duncan by June. He’ll most likely be out around the December holidays … at least that’s what I’m hoping.

  16. I absolutely loved Sophia’s story. What a kick ass girl. Thanks for sharing her with us.
    Looking forward to Duncan’s story.
    Congrats on all the success with series. Well earned and deserved.

  17. Sherri Williams

    I just wanted to let you know that I am really excited about your books. I discovered them purely by accident when I was scouring amazon’s book selection. By pure chance, it was the first book of the series that I stumbled upon. The end result was a two day bender reading all your books. I took the occassional obligatory nap, and struggled to keep my mind on work while I was there, but was rather unsuccessful. I am absolutely hooked. Now I am attempting to recover from withdrawl symptoms. Please tell me that you have another in the works that is going to come out soon?

    thanks for coming out with a great series that wasn’t the stereotypical vampire story. I really enjoyed these!

    1. Thank you so much, Sherri! That’s wonderful to hear, although I am sorry about the loss of sleep! 🙂 I just turned in the 5th book in the series, which will be DUNCAN. That should be out in December. In the meantime, though, your timing is perfect, because I’m just about to start the rerun on my Vampire Vignettes. Those are mini-short stories about my VinA characters and my readers really seem to love them! I’ll be posting the first one late, late tonight, so be sure and check back. Each Vignette will be up for only one week, so you gotta be fast!

      Thanks again for loving my vampires, and especially for letting me know about it!


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