If you’d like an autographed bookplate or some bookmarks, I’ve got ’em! If you don’t specify what you want, I’ll probably send the latest bookmarks, and few of the others. I only send autographed bookplates and/or stickers if specifically requested. Also, if you’re requesting a bookplate, PLEASE tell me if you want it signed to a specific person, or just autographed.


LUCIFER has arrived!

DAMIAN's bookmarks are here, with COMPELLED on the back half.

bookmark-2inx8in-h-front bookmark-2inx8in-h-front

CHRISTIAN's bookmarks and stickers ...


SHIFTER PLANET bookmarks have landed, and here they are!


DECEPTION bookmarks and stickers. The stickers are pictured down below with those of the other books. The bookmarks, pictured here, have DECEPTION on the front, and all three novellas on the back.


Latest Series

I also have the latest series bookmarks. They’re big, 2.75 x 8.50. I also have a few of the older bookmarks—most of those are 2 x 8, and they’re for the individual books. Those have the original covers, though—except for ADEN, of course—so let me know specifically if you want any of those. ADEN’s bookmark is also available. Shown is front (hunky guy to the right) and back (ten current book covers.) DBR_BKMK_2014_FT_1g


I have one bookplate design that I use for all of the Vampires in America books.

I also have a separate bookplate which I use for any book that’s not Vampires in America.


And I have stickers for all of the Vampires in America books. They’re 1.6 x 1.8 with each of the new individual covers, which you theoretically can use along with the bookplate, or or anything else you want. Note that the images below are square, but the stickers are rectangular.

Send a self-addressed stamped (TWO STAMPS) envelope (#10 envelope, 4 1/8″ x 9 1/2″) to:
D. B. Reynolds
P.O. Box 9043
Calabasas, CA 91372
Be sure and tell me what and how many you want. If you don’t specify otherwise, I’ll send one of everything I have currently available.

I’m getting an increasing number of international requests, which is wonderful, because it tells me my Vampires are spreading near and far. But the cost of mailing internationally is significant, and my promo budget is limited. I’ll cover the cost of the bookmarks and bookplates, if you’ll cover the postage. I’ve tried International Reply Coupons … they’re hard to find and they only confuse my local post office, so I’ve set up a PayPal account instead.
You can send the cost of postage to me via PayPal. My PayPal address is If it’s just for one person, please send $3.00 U.S.  If the request is for a book club, blog, or simply multiple readers, $15.50 U.S. will cover postage for up to ten members. Beyond that, please email me at, and let me know how many you want. I’m not trying to make money on this, so if you send me postage and the actual cost ends up being less, I’ll be happy to send the difference back to you. If it ends up being more, I’ll take care of it.

21 thoughts on “BOOKMARKS & STUFF”

  1. I am probably not your usual demographic. I am an older man and an engineer by training and inclination. And, yet, I have read Raphael, Jabril, and Rajmund on my kindle. Not my usual fare. However, I found them quite good.

    I have wondered exactly why I find this appealing. Romance is not my usual genre and I don’t think it is actually why I read them. I actually skip over the sex scenes as I find them the most boring part of the book. What I do find interesting is the whole idea of an underground society and the strategic planning. It is obvious that Rajmund was planning his coup for at least a decade and he was taking steps to get there.

    I think I would be interested in how the vampire enterprises worked. How they integrate into society, their advantages, and their problems. Also, to be successful, they need humans. How do they integrate into the society. Raphael is both lord and slave to his minions. How does he react with humans he needs for his empire?

    1. I’m glad you like the books, David! I put quite a bit of thought into my vampires and their society, and how everything works. There’s always a lot more back story to my characters than ever shows up on the page. I write little histories on all of them. I think it makes them more real to me and, I hope, to my readers. I do have quite a few male readers. I think partly because my vampires aren’t wimps! Some of the guys like the sex scenes (quite a lot) and some of them skip it — or say they do anyway 😉 I do try to put more than just sex into my books. I want readers to enjoy the mystery and action, too.

      Thanks for reading!


  2. I’m searching this rental for a couple of envelopes. I’ll be sending it off when I come across them, I know they are here somewhere.

    Re:David skipping the sex:
    If more guys read the sexy parts we women would be so-o-o grateful.

  3. Thanks for the opportunity for signed bookplates and bookmarks! Can’t wait – sending out the SASE tomorrow! Ordering the books today!

  4. I just wanted to say how wonderful your books are. I came across them quite by accident and now I am busy telling anyone who will listen how great they are! I read a lot and it’s been a long time since I found a series that is this well written with characters I find myself caring far too much about. I live in the UK and am headed for the Post Office right now to get an international reply coupon for that great giveaway, thanks so much for that.
    All the very best to you and thanks again xxx

      1. Thankyou so much for the bookplates and book marks. I had an awful day, one of those days where nothing went right and I came home to your envelope which was a wonderful surprise! It really is kind of you and this fan of your vampire world appreciates your generosity greatly.
        All the very best, Moira xxx

  5. Fantastic opportunity…I’ll be putting my SASE in the mail today.
    I definitely want the bookplates and bookmarks.
    This is one terrific series…can’t wait for Duncan’s story.

    1. Robin, the best way to keep up on my books is to subscribe to my blog here. Although, my blog posts go to both Facebook and Twitter, too. Thanks!

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