This is a question I’m frequently asked. To which my darling husband would say, “Ha! She’s always writing. I wish that were true, because the books would roll out a lot faster! My heroine in this regard is Nora Roberts who really must write all the time, because that woman produces more books in a year than anyone I know!! And I read every one of them, too. La Nora’s books, I mean, not every book written by anyone in a year.
My answer to the question of what I do in my spare time is considerably more varied than my husband’s. I do A LOT of reading, and in all different genres. My first love was Science Fiction, especially military Science Fiction, and Fantasy. Some of the best writers out there are writing in those two genres. And, of course, I read tons of Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance, and some contemporary romance, too. Witness Nora Roberts and her alter ego J. D. Robb (although the latter is slightly futuristic.)
I also read mysteries and thrillers, which leads to my current reading obsession — Vince Flynn and his wonderful Mitch Rapp series! That’s his latest book Kill Shot, although chronologically it’s the second book in the Mitch Rapp story. You can find the entire list in chronological order, HERE. It’s fortunate in a way that I found the series late, because I get to read the early story in order. Apparently, Flynn started with the older, more experienced Mitch, then went back and filled in the back story. I actually picked the series up with TRANSFER OF POWER, and I’ve been devouring the entire back list every since! Mitch Rapp is a CIA black ops guy with a strong sense of right and wrong, and no tolerance for the bad guys. Flynn’s writing puts you right in the moment with Mitch as he wrestles not just with the logistics of getting the job done, but the sticky politicians and bureaucrats who want to get in his way. Mitch is not a diplomat. But he is a honorable man doing a dirty job. These stories could easily have been two dimensional, but Vince Flynn doesn’t flinch from the political and diplomatic realities, either. Mitch is a very human character, with strengths and weaknesses, just like the rest of us. He just happens to have a lot more in the strength category. If you love thrillers, especially international thrillers with plenty of special ops stuff thrown in, you’ll love Vince Flynn.
I did warn you I was obsessed, right? 😀
What else do I do, besides read and write? I exercise regularly (b.o.r.i.n.g.) And I go to movies, which is kind of a natural since I worked in the business for years. I’m really, really looking forward to The Avengers!!! Yay! I went and saw Safe House (Denzel Washington and the delectable Ryan Reynolds) with my darling husband this week. I’ve wanted to see this movie ever since it came out, but … not even RR’s abs could bail this one out. ::sigh:: It was not good. So disappointed. But The Avengers! Squeeeee!
Also, this week in my copious spare time (not) I ordered my new i-Pad 3. OMG. I totally fell for it. The clincher was the supposed HD quality image. I wear glasses all the effing time and anything that helps me see better is a selling point. So, I went for it. I’m a sucker, I know. But it should arrive FriiiiDaaaaay! LOL
The i-Pad arrival means I’ll finally be able to catch up with my Kindlegraph requests, by the way. So that’s a good thing, right?
I did receive one more review of The Vampire Vignettes this week. Cynthia (Artemis) from Bitten by Paranormal Romance gave the Vignettes Anthology a Scorcher Award and said …
Yes, they are short stories. Yes, you will find them more enjoyable if you have read the series. Yes, the ebook cost is 99¢. But come on, this ninety-nine cents is a pittance for something that will bring you incalculable gratification. Did I mention you should keep your significant other close at hand?
And, on the writing front (because my darling husband is correct, I AM spending A LOT of time writing these days) LUCAS is speeding along very, very nicely. Lots of vampire butt being kicked in this one, enough to please my most bloodthirsty reader, while plenty of the other stuff (i.e., romance and sex) for everyone else.
Okay, did I mention I’m doing A LOT of writing? Because I have to get back to it. Lucas is poised in the door of a helicopter and he’s not too happy with me that I’m making him wait!! (hee, hee)
See you all next week. Same place, same time. And Happy St. Patrick’s Day from me and my Irish lad, Lucas.