Don’t forget that it’s VINCENT’s turn to be on sale. His e-book is only $1.99 for a very limited time. So, if you, or someone you know, hasn’t caught up, this is your chance!
I finished the copy edits on KATO this past week, and I can hardly wait for all of you to read his story! I had several readers ask about KATO’s print books, and, yes, he definitely will be in print on the release date. Print books should be available for pre-order a couple of weeks before his release on June 23, but for now you can pre-order the e-book. You’ll find ALL OF THE PRE-ORDER LINKS HERE!
With KATO well on his way, I’m all about Vampires. First, in all of my announcements last week I forgot to mention that the third Stone Warriors book, STONE WARRIORS:GABRIEL, will be a crossover story with my VAMPIRES in AMERICA. Raphael, and of course Cyn, will be sharing the stage with Gabriel and Hana. You’ll read more about them, or at least the beginning of their story, in the Epilogue to KATO.
Also, as announced last week, I’m writing stories for a Vampire Vignettes, Volume II, and since I’m still writing, I want to know which of my gorgeous vamps you’d like to hear more about. So, I’m taking a survey. I’ve already had an amazing response from my wonderful readers, and there are some clear trends, but I’m holding the survey open for one more week, so please take a minute and complete my VIGNETTES SURVEY. Let me know what YOU’D like to read!
This week wasn’t all writing and work, though. My sister came to visit and we geeked out on Guardians of the Galaxy. Vol. 2. We took in the first late night showing and LOVED it! Baby Groot is the best! Teenaged Groot … not so much. But Chris Pratt is always good to look at. 😀 The YouTube trailer is HERE, if you want to check it out.
Okay, I have a lot of writing to do, so I’m back to work. Have a wonderful week.