The very talented Nita Banks, aka The Book Chick has created a trailer for Kato and Grace. Check it out below!
You can also Watch it on YouTube!
I love it!
And speaking of things I love … the new WONDER WOMAN movie is just . . . Wow! Go see this movie! I’m a huge fan of action/adventure, and I’ve seen all the Marvel and DC movies. The great thing about this new Wonder Woman is not only the fantastic action movie that Patty Jenkins has created, it’s that the movie has a heart and soul. The chemistry between Gal Gadot’s Diana and Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor is fantastic, and the supporting cast are all great. I had tears in my eyes at the end. You’ll want to see this one on the big screen.
Hmm, okay, back to work for me. Lots of Vampire stories to write.
Have a great week!