I’m happy to say the SOPHIA revisions are done and back to my editor. One more galley proof and SOPHIA will be a book!

I’ve had lots of questions about pre-orders and wondering why SOPHIA isn’t up on Amazon yet. This is how it works … The big publishing houses schedule and print their books well in advance of the release date, so Amazon (and other retailers) usually have the books in-house weeks before the scheduled release. That’s why some bookstores used to have bestselling titles out on display several days before the official release date. The publishers cracked down a while back and bookstores had to stop doing that (for the most part — there are still some who sneak the occasional title in early.)

But my publisher, ImaJinn Books, is a small press. And small press publishers work a much tighter schedule. My manuscripts are delivered months in advance, but the final editing and proofing is not finished until much closer to the release date. This means Amazon, for example, won’t have SOPHIA in stock until after April 1, and even then it will be days before they update their inventory to show the books available in their warehouse. Which means for you the reader … no preorders.

But I never post a firm release date until I’m pretty sure it’s going to stick. I hate telling my readers a certain date, then having to back off of it. And that’s definitely not going to happen with SOPHIA. We are totally on schedule for this book’s April 15th release!

In fact, we’re so on schedule I’m already looking ahead to the next Vampire Vignette!!

So, SOPHIA will be here very, very soon and I can hardly wait! I love this story and hope you will, too.

I’ll be updating my What I’m Reading Now page later this week. I’m making a list of what I’ve read lately. It’s so much easier with my Kindle!! I just love this thing. I even bought it a new “skin” this week, and I’ve got something like FIVE books which will all hit on April 1st, and then there’s the new Black Dagger Brotherhood book which will show up on my screen at 12:01 on March 29th! Woohooooo!

::cough:: Sorry. I got a little carried away there! 😀 Okay, I’m going back to DUNCAN. The break to revise SOPHIA took me out the story a bit, so I’m reading what I’ve written for DUNCAN so far. Have I mentioned what a great guy Duncan is? ::sigh::

See you all next week!


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