SP_500Early reviews keep coming in on GoodReads for SHIFTER PLANET, and so far they’re all great! Here’s a sample …

—The BookChick— 5 Stars “… probably the most EPIC shifter romance I’ve ever read. And, as an avid reader of paranormal romance, THAT is saying something … Shifter Planet was truly unlike anything I’ve ever read before. It was amazingly imaginative, highly seductive, and a pulse pounding adventure.”

—Karen— 5 Stars “I loved this book! … The world building was spot on, I was never confused about where they were or what something looked like. The relationship between Rhodry and Amanda was refreshing, instant attraction but not insta-love. And the story itself was great, just enough angst to make you want to read just a little more.”

—Lynn— 5 Stars “SHIFTER PLANET is one of those books that fires my enthusiasm and reminds me why I love to read. I was immediately drawn right into the story and did not want to put it down.”
For my part, I’m so excited! I can’t wait until October 26th. And just a reminder that while SHIFTER PLANET is available for pre-order pretty much everywhere in e-book format (LINKS CAN BE FOUND HERE) the book WILL BE AVAILABLE IN PRINT format upon release.

MORE BIG NEWS ON CHRISTIAN’S UPCOMING RELEASE. CHRISTIAN WILL BE UP FOR PRE-ORDER ON 15 OCTOBER, WHICH IS THIS THURSDAY!! Cover Reveal will be on GoodReads on October 31st (Halloween–even though my vamps don’t really celebrate it.) October 31st will also be the kick-off for ten days of giveaways through my publisher (more details later.)

IMG_0221 2And look! This cute little guy showed up in my mailbox this week, a surprise gift from Agnese Maria Kohn, a reader and member of my Street Team. You’ve heard of Elf on a Shelf? Well, this is my Vamp on a Shelf! Isn’t he great? You can’t see very well in this image, but he has fangs, and a cape, and everything! He’s a mini-Dracula. 😀

Canadian Thanksgiving 2015 2And finally, today is Canadian Thanksgiving! So Happy Day to my many Canadian friends and readers, enjoy your feast (and the day off.)
And that’s it for me this week. I’ll be back next Monday with details on CHRISTIAN’s pre-order, and other stuff, too. Have a great week!


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