SP_500Yep, in case you missed it, SHIFTER PLANET released last Monday to lots of great reviews and terrific sales! I’m so happy that so many of you love the story as much as I do. I’m really hoping I get the chance to write more books about Harp and its Shifters.

And speaking of SHIFTER PLANET, I’m doing a giveaway of three (3) autographed print copies of the book, and it’s open to all of my readers, including international, ‘cuz I love you all! The contest is open for ten (10) days. Winners will be notified by e-mail and will have five (5) days to respond. After that a new winner will be chosen. Enter via Rafflecopter below.

Christian Final CoverBut wait … there’s more! CHRISTIAN’s cover reveal was on Halloween! Isn’t he pretty? I love the colors and the storm in the background. And oh yeah, the guy ain’t bad either. (heh heh) And be sure to stop by CHRISTIAN’s GOODREADS PAGE where you can enter to win one of five (5) print copies of CHRISTIAN that my publisher is giving away.

You can currently pre-order CHRISTIAN in print form from Amazon, which is something new! Right now Kindle and Print are two different pages, because Amazon hasn’t linked them yet. Weird, but true. All of the pre-order links are on CHRISTIAN’s page, which is HERE.

I think that’s it for this week. I know I promised an exclusive deleted scene from SHIFTER PLANET, but there was too much else going on this week, so I’ll post that next week, along with pictures of the cool new SHIFTER PLANET bookmarks that are available.

So for now, Happy November (oh, yeah, that’s another thing … NaNoWriMo started yesterday!) Don’t forget to enter the Shifter Planet Rafflecopter below, and I’ll see you back here next week with more news and, for sure this time, a deleted scene from Shifter Planet that I loved.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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