Okay, so KATO is officially out in the wild as of last Thursday. It’s a pretty complicated time at our house, but I’ve spent most of the last two weeks doing a final editing pass before sending Kato off to my editor and my beta reader. You know, so they don’t have to deal with typos and crap. Early word is good, so that’s a relief. Though there’s still plenty of work before he’ll be ready for prime time.
With Kato sent off, I finally had time to update my Goodreads Challenge for 2017. I’ve read 22 of my 125 books, and I figure I’m just about where I need to be. Maybe 1/2 a book ahead. 😀
Anyone who reads my blog— or FB or has seen the bumper sticker in my SUV’s back window—knows I love Buffy. I’ve seen the entire series multiple times, because I always have Buffy running on my TV when I’m writing. It keeps me company, but it’s not too distracting, because I already know every show. Although there are times when I stop writing and turn up the volume for a favorite scene.
Which is what Rolling Stone did to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Buffy. They selected the Ten Best Buffy Episodes of All Time. Take a walk down memory lane with Buffy and the gang!
And so now that Kato is in other hands, it’s time to party, right? Wrong. Because … taxes are due! Ugh. I’ve spent the last three days sitting at my desk putting my paperwork in order, downloading forms, printing out annual reports. Double ugh. And I’m not done yet. A couple more days of this, and then it’s all going to my accountant, while I move on to the good stuff with my Shifters! I’ll be going back to Shifter Planet 2, and finishing that story. It’s about time, right?
But wait! I’ve been so buried in tax forms that I nearly forgot! Shifter Planet and Christian BOTH are finalists for the EPIC awards this year! Fortunately in different categories, so they’re not competing with each other. I was so thrilled when I received this news!
On that high note, I’ll wish you a lovely week. And I’ll see you soon.