First things first, Vignette #2 has now begun its two week re-run—Valentine’s Day in December!
And, drumroll please, I have officially “won” the 2010 NaNoWriMo, having written just over 50K words on my YA project. Now, of course, I have to go back to the beginning and start editing, and then I have to write another 20K words or so before I have a workable manuscript. But I’m way ahead of the game, so I’m happy.
More business, my publisher ImaJinn Books is having a holiday sale. 40% off all print books purchased through the Imajinn Books website.
My publisher also tells me all of my books will be available from Amazon in Kindle format before too long, so that’s exciting! That Kindle button usually means more sales … music to my writer’s ears.
And I was flipping through Google, wasting time while taking a break from NaNo and discovered two new reviews of my books! Fun! and Cat Walks Fantasia.
Also while wasting time with Google, I discovered yet another p2p site which is offering free downloads of my books! Booooooooooooooo. I’m happy to say, however, that this particular site was recently seized by the FBI. Yaaaaaaaaay! My publisher employs a company that does nothing but search for sites offering these free downloads. They notify the site of a copyright violation and file a request for takedown. The sites pretend they have no idea anyone was violating copyright – really? What a joke. It’s a huge problem and one that affects all authors, big and small.
On to much nicer things … Duncan. Need I say more? 😀
Today is cyber-Monday. But, you know what? I finished all of my cyber shopping yesterday! My holiday shopping is done! Which leaves me more time to write my new Vampire Vignette! And also a guest post I’ve got coming up on Fresh Fiction, but I’ll tell you about that later.
See you all next week!