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My gorgeous Scottish vampire has arrived, and the early reviews are great!

“Lachlan is my new book-boyfriend and yes I’ve said that before. I think the last time was Vincent but don’t hold me to that. It might have been …. Oh you know by now that I’m gaga over all of Ms. Reynolds Alpha vamps. (We shall rename her “Mother of Vampires”)
La Deetda Reads

“… readers will want to read this powerful, exhilarating, and intensely satisfying romance over and over and over!”
Stormy Vixen’s Book Reviews

And my readers are checking in, too, with wonderful reviews on Amazon!

“Strong hero, feisty heroine, steamy sex. I read it in one sitting, couldn’t put it down. Can’t wait for the rest of the series. One of my favorite Lords of of the series. 5+ stars.” Marie A.

“Lots of action and sizzling sensuality for a rousing continuation of this vampire series.”
Mb4pax 5 stars!

“There’s everything I could want here with two strong, believable characters and a sneaky bad guy who deserves all that’s heading his way. Fans of this series will be overjoyed that Raphael makes an appearance but trust me Lachlan is everything readers want in a hero.”
Marta Cox 5 stars!

I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that my readers are falling in love with Lachlan. I adore all my vampires, but he’s one of my favorites. You know how I love the dark and broody types!

I can’t believe it’s May already. I still have to remind myself to write 2019 when I sign stuff. Where the hell did the year go? But, never fear, a writer never rests. I’m already deep into Dragan and Maeve’s story, following as they race down the highway, heading for a meeting that they don’t even know is coming. The whole Stone Warriors team will be making an appearance, back together at last. “Reunited and it feels so good …” Am I dating myself with that lyrical reference? Hmmmmm.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who made Lachlan a vampire hit! I love you guys!

See you next week!


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