KATO is almost here!

KATO is nearly here! I know this because a big box of books showed up on my doorstep this week. He’s so beautiful. You can now pre-order the print version, by the way. Yay!

I spent this week with Cyn and Raphael, and Duncan and Emma. It’s been a while since I spent time with Duncan and Emma, and it was good to get back into their heads. Duncan is one of my favorite Vampires–so controlled on the outside, but so full of passion inside! Lucky Emma. As for Cyn and Raphael, they’re never far from my thoughts, so I slip into their lives easily. I always love writing about them, though. I love the evolution of their romance.

So I’ve been doing a lot of writing—all Vampires, all the time—but I did catch some movies On Demand that I missed in the theaters. First up was GET OUT! The On Demand version included the Director’s “alternate ending” as an extra, and can I just say … they made the right choice for the theatrical release. My eyes glazed over just listening to him explain his alternate. I also watched SPLIT. I’m a big fan of James McAvoy, and he was terrific in this movie. He might be the only reason I go see ATOMIC BLONDE in theaters, although that one does look good. After watching these movies at home, though, I’ve decided I need a bigger screen. Hmmmmm . . . new washer and dryer, or bigger TV screen. 😀

But speaking of great trailers … if you haven’t already, you absolutely have to check out the terrific trailer for KATO! Or, if you’re reading this as e-mail, you can catch the trailer ON YOU_TUBE!

Okay, I’m going back to Duncan and Emma . . . it’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it! Have a wonderful week . . . and enjoy your time with my beautiful Kato!


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