And other things, too, but for the next several months, it will be Vampires. I’ll be putting together an anthology of all the Vampire Vignettes so far, plus a couple of new ones. Depending on sales, it will probably only be in e-format, but it will be available on Kindle, Nook and Smashwords. Does that cover Apple devices? I’ll have to find that out. My plan is to cover all the available platforms. And if you don’t have an e-reader, you can always download the Kindle for PC and read it on your PC. That will be early in the year.

And then I’ll be writing a brand new Raphael/Cyn novella. This is something new, kind of stories between the books, but much longer than the Vignettes. These will be available in e-format initially, but once I’ve written two or more, my publisher will put them together and make a print book available. I’m hoping the books will all be available on Nook, in addition to Kindle, by then. But again, there’s always the Kindle for PC fallback. I’m not sure about the release date, yet. But somewhere between the Vignette Anthology and LUCAS. The novella will feature Raphael and Cyn and lead directly into the next full-length Vampires novel.

Which means, after the novella, it’s time for LUCAS, my cowboy vampire. You’ll meet Lucas for the first time at the very end of DUNCAN. I don’t want to give anything away, but, let’s see … he’s gorgeous, he’s sexy, and he likes to walk the fine edge of Raphael’s patience. And he’s about to meet a woman who presents a challenge he just can’t resist.

And I’ll be getting started on all of those writing projects for NaNoWriMo this year. For those of you unfamiliar with NaNo, it’s the annual exercise in torment for masochistic writers all over the world! We take on the challenge of writing 50K words in a single month. For anyone who doesn’t realize … that’s a lot of words! Especially when you’re a total compulsive like I am and constitutionally incapable of ignoring the rules of grammar, syntax, spelling, story … The good part is, I end up with something useable at the end of the month, whereas some of what gets written during NaNo … well, let me be polite and simply say it needs some work. LOL

But before any of that writing, NaNo or otherwise, sees the light beyond my computer, we will finally see the release of my sweet DUNCAN! It’s so close now, I can hardly wait!

Unfortunately, I have to, so I’ll satisfy myself with some new reviews and other good stuff for this week.

RT Book Reviews published their review of RAJMUND this month and I’m SO happy! 4 1/2 stars! I can’t link to the review, because it’s by subscription, but I can quote it … “an uber-sexy vampire lord, an intriguing heroine and red-hot sensuality …” I couldn’t agree more. Rajmund is definitely uber-sexy!

There were some excellent new reviews posted on Amazon, too. And speaking of Amazon, SOPHIA is still part of their October promo, which means you can get the Kindle version for only $2.99. I think the promo only lasts through October, but I’m not sure. I do know it will go back to the regular price once the promo’s over.

And while we’re talking about promos, Steph and Athenna at Paranormal Haven are hosting their annual Halloween at the Haven with lots of excellent guests and cool giveaways. I’ll be over there at the end of the month, but more on that later.

Also, Night Owl Reviews is having a Full Moon Web Hunt to celebrate the month of Halloween, and they’ve got tons of prizes, including a Kindle and lots of Amazon gift cards.

And I think that’s it for this week, but I’ll see you right back here next Sunday, with hopefully more news about DUNCAN and when my publisher will let me post at least a tiny peek. Oooooooooh. Can’t see much of Duncan if the peek is tiny. (Shame on me. Yeah, right. LOL_


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