I’m guest blogging today at Over the Edge, where my Interview ran earlier in the week. I’m discussing my Vampires Book Four, which will feature the first female Vampire Lord, and the difficulties of writing such a powerful female heroine. I’m still collecting names for the book giveaway over there, so drop in and say “hi,” and let me know what you think.
Also, my publisher is running a giveaway too. They’re giving away three (3) $50.00 Gift Certificates on December 12th. All a reader has to do is fill out a reader Questionnaire about what types of books she/he likes to read and the reader qualifies for the drawing. Go to the website, you’ll see an announcement about the questionnaire with a link.
On Monday, I’ll be announcing the winner of my November contest for naming rights, along with the winner of the Over The Edge giveaway.
And finally, I have a link for those doomsayers who keep insisting Vampires are dead (not MY vampires, baby!) The Word of the Year for 2009 was “twitter.” But you know what came in number 5? That’s right my fellow bloodsuckers, Vampire. Check it out here.