So, let’s begin with the Season Finale of Game of Thrones. NOTE:SPOILERS FOLLOW!
I actually held on to last week’s ep and watched the last TWO episodes together. Episode #39 (Watchers on the Wall) was necessary, but kind of boring. Lots of men fighting and screaming by firelight, and I could barely tell who was who. But at least Ghost (the wolf) was released from prison! I worry about Jon Snow, though. I didn’t like the way that witch was looking at him! The Season Finale (#40, The Children) was more interesting. Lots of characters getting theirs from other characters whom they’d tormented/betrayed. Yay especially for Tyrion who killed both his treacherous mistress and his bastard of a father! That will be interesting next season. Who will be the new King’s Hand? Across the sea, it was sad when Daenarys had to lock up the dragons, though. So sad. Back to the Starks who are clearly, I think, central to whatever is going to happen in the end. You’ve got Jon Snow and Sansa (who two eps ago finally found her backbone) and Bran who’s going to fly (whatever that means.) But the one I admire most is probably Arya, which is why it’s her picture up there. She’s tougher than any of them, setting off for Bravos all by herself, instead of going off with Brienne, who clearly would have tried to protect her. Although The Hound was right, no place is safe anymore, so I don’t know where Brienne would have gone with her. But Arya is tough. When The Hound was injured and dying, I was of two minds, because his character was somewhat redeemed from the terrible things he’d done. So I was curious to see what Arya would do. But she was cold, cold, cold! Leaving a man to die slowly, at the mercy of the elements and animals. Really cold. Let’s just hope he doesn’t survive somehow and come back to haunt her. The Hound is a hard man to kill. All in all, though, a very satisfying Season Finale. No huge cliffhangers, just a jumping off point for next season. So, good on them. And, of course, after this season, they veer from the books, so who knows what will happen.
Speaking of books, I was lucky enough this week to read advance copies of TWO, yes TWO! excellent forthcoming books. The first is PRISON OF HOPE, the terrific 4th book in Steve McHugh’s fascinating Hellequin Chronicles. Steve happens to be a friend and critique partner, so I get to see his books way early. Yay! And Prison of Hope may be the best one yet. And the second book I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of was a new Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance coming out later this year from my publisher by an established author. This was a very early advance copy, so I’m not sure I can share either the title or the author, but it was a wonderful story and you’ll be hearing more from me once it’s released. I can hardly wait for the next book, and this one isn’t even out yet!
My darling Vincent. I think I only talk about him so I can put this picture up! 🙂 I’m nearly finished with my revisions, nearly ready to ship this one off to my editor at ImaJinn/Belle. But as I edit, I’ve come across some of my favorite scenes and I thought I’d share a snippet with you. It’s short but sweet (also not seen yet by my editor, so it may change in the final.)
….Lana removed her bra, pulled the tank top back on, then turned to face him as she began working on her braid. “When it comes to women, men are easily distracted,” she said absently, as she threaded her fingers through her now unbraided hair and shook her head to loosen it over her shoulders.
….Vincent straightened next to her, at least partly to ease the sudden tightness of his groin at the sight of her breasts pressing against the thin shirt. They weren’t large, but they were round and firm, with dusky nipples that were in plain sight beneath the nearly transparent fabric . . . and he’d just proved her point about easily distracted men.
….“Lana,” he said, her display also proving his point. “I won’t let you—”
….“You’re not my master, Vincent,” she said, interrupting him. “We’re partners. I don’t need your permission. Besides, this is the only thing that will work. You need inside that house and I can get you there.”
….Vincent glowered down at her. It was much easier working with his vampires. They did what they were told.
Ah, Vincent, I’m going to miss you. Moving on … I’m going to be writing some Vignettes and some guest blog stories in the very near future, so I have a question for you. Tell me who you’d most like to see featured in the stories. You can reply to this post, or you can email me at OR And just to encourage lots of responses, I’ll do a random drawing of everyone who responds, and the winner gets her/his choice of any one of my titles, print or e, including VINCENT. Although, if you choose VINCENT, you’ll obviously have to wait until he’s released. 🙂
So, let me know which stories you’d like to read, have a great week, and I’ll see you right back here!