Hmm, okay. This was a busy week! I had two separate guest blogs/giveaways and some wonderful reviews came in, plus as of this writing SOPHIA is STILL the #1 Bestselling Dark Fantasy at And My vampires are not only four of the top five bestsellers in Dark Fantasy, but four of the top five highest rated in that category, as well. My guys (and gals) rock!

And just to get the bragging out of the way before the giveaways, SOPHIA continues to receive great reviews. Beginning with Bea’s Book Nook, then a FIVE STAR plus review from Dot at La Deetda Reads. Dot was one of the very first reviewers of RAPHAEL way back when and has been wonderfully supportive of my vampires ever since!

But wait, there’s more! Bitten by Paranormal Romance has given SOPHIA a 5 rating Alpha Howl, and I’ll be there in June with a brand new giveaway, too. And finally, Heather at Fresh Fiction says …

“Remarkably fresh and stunningly beautiful! Sophia is as enchanting as she is dangerous!”

That’s my Sophie!! 🙂

But on to the giveaways! There are still three giveaways open, and one more coming up this week. For most of them, you only need to comment to enter and my contests are always open internationally. I’m giving away a signed copy of either RAJMUND or SOPHIA on each, but just for my readers who check out this blog, if you win any of the giveaways and would rather substitute a different book, including DUNCAN, let me know and I’ll make the switch. You have to enter the giveaway and WIN, and then let me know you read it on this blog. Be aware that if you choose DUNCAN, you’ll have to wait until his release later this year to receive your book.

The current giveaways and their ending dates are …

Bea’s Book Nook ending Midnight EST, Monday May 23rd.

Larissa’s Bookish Life ending May 28, 2011.

Black Lagoon Reviews ending June 3, 2011.

Each giveaway has slightly different rules. Be sure and read all the rules and remember, you have to let me know AFTER you win if you want a different book. You can email me at DO NOT put it on your contest entry comment. This offer is only for readers of MY blog.

And one more note for THIS week …some of you may remember an interview with RAPHAEL which posted on Paranormal Haven last October. Here’s a link in case you missed it. Anyway, our intrepid Huff and Puff reporter has done it again, in a manner of speaking. She hijacked Cynthia, who’s in New York for Sarah’s wedding preparations, and snuck in a few questions. You can read the interview on Parajunkee’s View starting sometime tomorrow. And, yep, there’s another giveaway. I’m not sure what time it will go up tomorrow, but I’ll post it on Facebook and Twitter as soon as it (and I) am up.

And speaking of character interviews, Sophia and Colin will be dropping by Paranormal Haven the first week in June for their Bookish Haven Summer Vacation special event, a joint extravaganza of Paranormal Haven and Larissa’s Bookish Life. Sophia and Colin are settling into their new digs in Vancouver, so it should be interesting!

Is that everything? I think so. Lots going on. But on top of all that, I’ve been working away on DUNCAN, making excellent progress which my publisher was happy to hear, and maybe some of you are too? Duncan and Raphael met for the first time last night … and I mean the FIRST time they met … ever. It was … interesting.

Okay, DUNCAN is calling me and when Duncan calls, I come a runnin’.

See you next week!


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