My new site went live today, at least in terms of the programming wizard’s tasks. My task is now to update and clean up all the pages to fit into the new format. It took me a while to learn the new set-up, but I’m now slowly working my way through the pages. Most will be the same by the time I’m finished. lol
So, patience, please.
I should have everything re-set within the next two days or so, and then I’ll be back with my first fully new post, including a brief excerpt from ANTÔNIO, which is now finished and at my publisher’s. I expect to have a good idea of the final release date very soon.
But in the meantime, what do you think of the new header? In case you wondered, that’s sunset over the Pacific Ocean. It could have been taken from Raphael and Cyn’s cliffside…at least if I was taking it. (heh heh)
I’m sorry for the long silence over the last year, I’ve been dealing with some serious health issues that took all my energy and determination. But I’m back now thanks to UCLA Medical Center and its many fantastic physicians. I’m so glad to be out in the sunshine, or at least the shade, again. Not the heat, just the fresh air and freedom. I hope all of you are emerging healthy and ready to get our lives back.
See you as soon as I get everything where it’s supposed to be and look like!
DBR (Uh yeah, that double space there is something I have to fix. Add it to the list. Well, that and working with three columns. I’ve got to figure that one out, too. Yay.)